It simply amazes me that someone could see that footage and assume that their fucking iphone would capture better footage in the exact same use scenario.
It simply amazes me that someone could see that footage and assume that their fucking iphone would capture better footage in the exact same use scenario.
I hate hate HATE the fact that our range is inset in the island/bar we have separating our kitchen from our “dining room” (we don’t really have a formal dining room in this house).
I suspect that the argument “to protect jobs” won’t be anywhere in any legal defense they mount for this policy.
Can we just use a woodchipper instead, and save the dogs the misery?
If you were looking to broadcast how little you know about politics, continuing to talk about the “part time” Georgia assembly and parsing out someone’s political experience based on whether their party is the minority/majority presence in the legislative body are two excellent methods of doing so.
“Mayor of a city of more than 100,000 is comparable to minority leader in a part time state legislature in which her caucus held little real power.”
You say that, but I’m gonna be honest - after the last four years, there’s a part of me that would really cherish some hum drum boringness in a President for a little while.
“didn’t like them because they thought Lucasfilm should’ve done the Thrawn Trilogy or whatever.”
I suppose I should at least thank you for giving me the chance to defend TLJ—a movie I think was just average—against stupid, ignorant criticisms.
The Last Jedi is only a good indicator of that if you don’t really have any concern for putting together a cohesive story across the entire trilogy.
“How Disney could get 22 movies in the Marvel/Avengers right 90% of the time, but was AT BEST 1 for 3 on Star Wars flicks baffles me.”
I don’t know that it’s accurate to say that TLJ was “hated by everyone”, but it does seem disingenuous to ignore the stark contrast between critical reaction (like AV Club) and “popular” reaction.
“Force Awakens editor Mary Jo Markey complained about how The Last Jedi undid all of J.J. Abrams’ carefully laid plans—even though we all know those plans weren’t actually going anywhere since Abrams is famously obsessed with “mystery boxes” that don’t necessarily have resolutions.”
This is a good way to describe it. The prequels had a plan—it was a relatively mediocre plan, but it was a plan.
The problems with the prequels are no secret. But I would still argue that RotS is a better movie than RoS, not to mention a better conclusion to its trilogy.
On one hand, I understand why that is somewhat confusing.
Justified was a pretty solid album—at least with respect to Timberlake’s boy band origins.
I mean, this is all par for the course for Republicans, but this is just so nakedly cynical. And it lines up with the long tradition of bastardizing the meaning of words to support a given ideology.
“is way in over her his head, she he doesn’t have a clue. Likes blaming everyone for her his own ineptitude!”