
Farmhouse Gouda (HOU-dah) from the Netherlands.

Sort of. Maybe if said avid wine drinker was able to tell if his sangria was made with his favorite wine or a knock-off.

I’m in the same boat in that io9 is the only one I really navigate to at this point.

“Please let io9 stay good.”

Hey, this is a copy-paste...

While you’re right to some degree, a big part of that was the manner in which the two things happened.

Yes, as long as your fine with “eventually” potentially being synonymous with “when it’s too fucking late to matter any more”.

While I certainly appreciate this post and I’m genuinely glad that the Splinter staff got to do a proper farewell post, the fact that it’s coming weeks after G/O Media and Jim Spanfellatio unceremoniously suffocated the site with a pillow, followed by decapitating their marquee site is just the goddamn perfect turd on

“Yes, just like there are people who can tell the difference between different wines.”

Rather than respond to everyone, I will admit that I was mostly having a little fun at the expense of gin. That said, the joke probably works better with vodka, although I’m sure someone will tell me the same thing about vodka brands (I would actually disagree on that count).

“or even a week.”

Yes, you are old fashioned. A wink and a nod to a piece of pop culture iconography with literally zero of the accompanying visual branding that would actually monetize the association with the original brand is hardly “standing on someone else’s shoulders”.

Or from another perspective, Alderaan got more Deth’s Tar than it could handle.

Tiny whisk is perfect for aiolis (or other condiment-like blends) and blending dry spice mixes together.

There are people who can tell the difference between brands of gin?

This is the best reason to stand up. I’m typically a window-seater, but when I do find myself on the aisle, the only reason I stand up is to make sure the assholes who can’t grasp the concept of exit order don’t have the opportunity to jump way ahead of everyone.

Exactly. If the aisle is empty, standing up helps everyone. There is a way to stand in the aisle without sticking your ass in someone’s face—typically by making sure your ass is pointed at the now-empty seat that you just vacated or in the aisle in front of or behind you. Basically anywhere but towards the

“I move over, and try to get my overhead out before getting into th aisle. I then wait for a break before getting into the aisle walking out (don’t want to cut off those who already have their head of steam going).”

I prefer the window seat, which is nice for multiple reasons. One of those reasons is that I don’t have to concern myself of the politics of sitting/standing/plane exiting.

I mean, it’s all relative. Yes, I don’t love the prices of anything inside an airport. But if I’m stuck in an airport anyway, food and drink can help the time pass a little less soul-crushingly.