
“We are beyond the day when an employer could evaluate employees by assuming or insisting that they matched the stereotype associated with their group.” 

Or a klepto.

I actually like the veggie ratio. I eat a fair amount of vegetarian stuff anyway, and freezer meal meat is always a little weird. The ratio is a good way to get a little meat flavor and protein, but without feeling like you’re eating a ton of odd-texture processed meat product.

In fairness, he wrongly lumps the Bills onto the scrap heap, but inexplicably gives the Steelers credit for being good.

Hey man, Freddie Kitchens has a Sonic to manage. He can’t be worried about bullshit like gameplanning.

Currently, I’m in Omaha, NE. However, before that, I was in Ann Arbor, MI and before that in Kansas City and it’s been on shelves in all of those places. So maybe a Midwest thing?

I’ve never done a blind taste test, but if you had asked me to name my favorite jarred salsas, I would have named Mrs. Renfro’s, Frontera (if you like runny those runny fresh salsas, this is the brand you want, methinks) and Newman’s Own, in that order.

Frontera is great. I’m also a big fan of Mrs. Renfro’s, which I assumed was widespread enough to make this taste test. Guess not.

The Venn Diagram of people who complain about candy quality in their neighborhood and complain about out-of-neighborhood kids is a single circle.

What the fuck is wrong with this stupid lady?

For fuck’s sake.

“1.4 billion Chinese citizens stand united when it comes to the territorial integrity of China and the country’s sovereignty over her homeland. This issue is non-negotiable.”

Because personal wealth is supposed to be a no-no in communism. That is not the case in socialism.

There’s lots of stupid in this article/tweet, but the worst is the fact that she’s perpetuating the lie/myth that socialism and communism are synonymous. 

We’re talking about scotch. It’s whisky.

I mean, Glenlivet is fairly “entry level” as far as scotch goes, but it’s still a single-malt variety of a drink that most fans tend to favor for the flavors of scotch, rather than mixed into cocktails.

To be clear: whisky is not a cocktail. Anyone mixing their scotch with anything, except *maybe* a little bit of water to open the flavors up, is a neanderthal.

It might be the most quotable movie of all time. Big Lebowski is up there, but Anchorman is a nonstop barrage of absurdly hilarious one-liners.

It’s quite pungent.

“I have always employed female chefs, but historically and ultimately, the body clock starts working. It’s evolution, and it is one thing to have a 9-5 job and quite another to be a chef with kids. So, that makes it difficult . [The physical strain of lifting] heavy pots and pans.”