
You're making a case that stereotypes can be fine, not that ninjas aren't an Asian stereotype. Which I agree with. But the basic character concept 'blind Asian lawyer ninja' is still a stereotype.

Thats a great turn of phrase. "The story understands" My greatest issues with villain stories are when I feel the story is trying to portray the villain as cool.

I think its a case by case basis. To use the previous example, Japan the nation doesn't need defending. They are a former empire that was known for subjugating native peoples, war crimes against non-Japanese peoples, and still has rampant prejudice against women and foreigners embedded in law. There is a lot to

..I just realized Sunspot the rich brown dude's best friend is Cannonball, who is poor white trash from the sticks. There is similar dynamic but the places they come from have never had stories focusing on their foreignness/class differences; its always about the mutantcy, which is the focus of all X-people stories.

I hope they at least keep him as a lawyer and friends with Foggy. Those are my baseline Daredevil needs.

Parents get pissy when you discipline their kids..

Except that Iron Fist is sort of a silly name and people won't stop making sex jokes.

"You have failed this city (of K'un L'un)!"


Oh, I've been speculating about Harold Meachum and his coffin.

Iron Fist needs way more time to stack up to the awful that has been four years of Arrow flashbacks.

I think this is the result of taking so long to decide on a take for Iron Fist and not having a showrunner who'd spent years trying to get the property onscreen.

People telling me she's his love interest make me go D:

Didn't ABC have a tv series about a kid who was kidnapped by a paedophile and shows up years later? And it turns out he's an imposter?

I knew someone somewhere would complain that picky eating was a First World Problem.

Dammit, I was hoping to at least make a "YOU KILLED KYLE" joke.

No, Defenders was set to fewer episodes before the rest started.

Well, Mantis in Guardians of the Galaxy won't count, she's just another stereotype of space Asians. Perhaps Kamala Khan, since she's Asian-American!

Daredevil would've been great with more legal drama in season 2!

Villain: "Oh crap, he's trying to ACTUALLY help him!"