
Didn't Stick say he'd been blind from birth? Gao's disciples blind themselves.

Don't forget flying in his private jet!

Someone had a theory that Elektra's Black Sky thing, in addition to her superzombie-ness, is that she's a Life Energy sink. She draws power from her opponents. If she is fighting one normal guy? Her fighting ability is normal as she was in life. Fighting an army of ninja as she did in her test? She becomes

5 minutes later..

I have to point out that Danny ran away before he could get training in the Iron Fist.

I believe he mentioned she had no heartbeat.

I've been waiting for Steve Rogers to bitch about the Brooklyn Dodgers since Captain America 1.

The timeline of the Defenders isn't at the same point as the movies. They're still in the past. At this point, SHIELD is being controlled by HYDRA (or got disbanded after not noticing HYDRA).

I enjoy it. Its funny that he's cluelessly rich.

I have never been so happy a character got maimed.

The name or prophecy isn't explained either.

Its possible that the different factions use different styles.

That makes sense. Colleen getting pissed off at Danny's "I MUST FIGHT ALONE" and calling Claire to tell the one person who Danny couldn't pretend to be protecting to get his butt moving after Danny would fit.

I'm pretty sure my family would be more upset if I were melting murdered people for the murderers than if I robbed a pawn shop.

I think he realized she'd jumped onto the roofs and was headed up there to try and catch up. But him parkouring up is a lot slower than her just jumping down behind him.

After all the anticipation, I can't get over how banal the Hand leaders ended up being. Why the heck was Kirigi not the Japanese Hand leader?

Another thing I like about the Heroes for Hire idea is that it morphed into a catchall, so that Colleen and Misty wouldn't necessarily be shelved for the tougher characters, they'd be part of the team.

They would be the couple who are both emotionally involved with other people still, but might have no-strings sex.

Matt only got there at the right time because he was following JJ. But he'd been grinding that location for a year.

It's actually really hard to stop guerilla acrobats from always getting into close-quarter fights. I've watched footage of people timing how fast you can pull a gun and shoot someone who, from a standing start, sprints into a tackle. The sprinter can win.