
I'm going to point out that Daredevil is a ninja and would be another stereotype if he was Asian.

I was expecting him to be ignorant. Instead, he seems completely comfortable with the world around him, just terrible in social situations. Its disappointing.

I'm stealing this.

Daredevil movie low or "of course they don't fight, that would be dumb" low?

K'un L'un is pretty warrior oriented but there's a lot of assholes.

No. The beard is making me unreasonably angry. I keep wondering if the actor demanded to keep it.

When I read Power Man and Iron Fist there were always jokes about "Danny is a rich guy who actually doesn't need the money he gets from Heroes For Hire". He's literally doing it so he can buddy around with Luke.

For me, the worst part of the show is that his beard is ugly. I am shallow and need pretty antagonists.

Martians and Fremen need representation too.

…That is endearingly fanboyish, for a man who is generally awful.

Upvoted for the Osborne comparison.

Seriously! I would have accepted even crappier dialogue and acting if the fighting were better.

Jesus fuck can you please not spoil on the FIRST episode commentary?

You put too many spoilers in! Had to stop reading this comment.

People in Marvel's K'un L'un are 1) aliens in another dimension, and 2) have very poor education by Earth standards. Viewers need to quit equating them to "Asian".

I will always appreciate his Dardevil: Yellow, but that is canceled out by his writing of Red Hulk.

I dunno. Sunspot is a rich privileged brown dude and I've seen similar storylines with him.

Daredevil is a ninja. Making DD Eastern Asian would have similar issues.

I enjoyed that episode. Yes, it was all about Misty's inner turmoil but it was interesting.

I'm not sure the actor can be blamed for writers putting big speeches in.