I agree with the bulk of the article and its analysis of today's landscape as well as the future's.
I agree with the bulk of the article and its analysis of today's landscape as well as the future's.
Speedtest.net (like everyone else on the planet) measures bandwidth in BITS, not BYTES. I highly doubt you did the conversions yourself before posting your results, so I'm going to go ahead and tag the post :/
Not exactly sure what qualifies you, but as AJ above me said, Pioneer makes some fairly great gear. Maybe you should do a little bit of research :/
Why the hell would you use an audio advertisement for an article about a video internship?
Let's see...I just bought a Phone of Epic Bullshit. Now, I'll need some accessories for it!!!!
"Luckily, I speak Leet!"
"That's not why we think you're crazy Stacy" lol, epic commentary
Actually, it has been scientifically proven on multiple occasions that "mob mentality" can potentially overcome a person in certain situations, and those individuals are actually legally NOT responsible for their own actions. #hattiptochaos #thevoicesmademedoit
Probably should be spelled Seeeeeeeecrets*
This is an amazing marketing idea. It's great to see Microsoft really stepping up and having a few exciting moments lately. The Windows 8 teaser videos and now a Windows Phone teaser "app"? There's definitely some fresh new talent/ideas floating around the campus.
heh, exact same movie I thought of while reading this..
The TV is $879 at best buy...normal price.
I really like this one...even though it is an advertisement for a movie, the projection is awesome!
She's a freaking ignorant bitch, but lol that she referenced perez hilton....
It had Flight of the Navigator! YESSSSS!!!!!
I don't exactly understand people who purchase photographs for insane amounts of money like this. Quite literally, I could get a copy, print it out on a professional printer, frame it on my wall, and you would have absolutely no idea whether mine was real or yours was real....it's a photo...a photo is a photo is a…
When the hell did Perez Hilton start writing for Giz?
What is the difference between "photographies" and "photographs"?