
you have to actually log out of facebook before you do the searches, genius. If you’re logged in as yourself, you’re obviously going to see all of your own stuff.

Go ahead and glaze over the abortion discussion... The weed leaf on the phone case of the person to the left of the pope is where the real meat of this story lies. #voteWeed #greenPope

How are you supposed to eat that tiny corn off the cob? Even with a chop stick death grip it’d be hard to manage that guy

My wife's peacock converse ;)

I swear that guy looks almost exactly like Mr. Trololol

A large portion of your early "hacking" dealt with social engineering above all else. Considering the mass of social media outlets available today that didn't exist then.....How do you view corporate responsibility and the effects that sharing so much personal data with big business will eventually have on our

It's not possible to have HBOGO without a cable subscription of some sort, so I call shenanigans on your entire article.

I'd totally go see that movie...

I'm not sure what the hell this article is talking about regarding the USDA buying meat to serve in schools, but I work as a Systems Analyst in a Public School District and the food services coordinator works literally 3 doors away from me.

xvid files are smaller and actually compress slightly better than x264 (although the compression is admittedly negligible in both cases).

Better idea: reclaimed wood, real 35mm film from a copy of your favorite movie, tiny slits of glass on the inside/outside of the film equal to the size of the film, and screw each board into the wall instead of only the top one.

I seriously think no one ever checks it, ever.

lol, this is an awesome one!

A non-compete is different than what this article is talking about.

I don't understand how this even comes up. Google is a private entity. Apple is also a private entity. Neither have to comply with requests for email searches.

Are you just noticing this now? The NFL has incorporated the use of this same exact message for my entire life....Maybe this is news 40 years ago...where's my Delorian?

No you can' transfer only :(

I agree that its largely inconvenient for google to be doing this, but the flip side is some management genius is probably trying to promote product synergy while the engineers sit in their cubes and cry. could just fucking log out and clear your cookies :/