
The assumption is that Google WILL continue to try for content deals on Android, and then once they are reached, integrate the Google TV platform into the Android family.

Good perspective. I agree that it is hard to maintain a viewer's attention when a crappy video comes on....and it is all about the money :/

You're right...but you could look at it from the other perspective as well.

I think you miss the point of the device. It isn't meant to be comfortable necessarily, it's purpose is to keep your ass dry and/or dirt free while sitting on the ground.

You sir are missing the entire point behind Apple's iCloud design. Everything you own, always with you, on every device, all the time. Without you needing to interact with it at all.

Yeah, I think "the idea" behind cloud is great, but it's still in it's infancy.

It's a joke, gthing. There's a legitimate anti-paypal campaign right now from the same group(s) he is/was affiliated with....he would never open such an account.

I'm not entirely convinced on the whole "cloud disk" idea anyway. I completely understand it, and realize iTunes purchases "don't count" but at the end of the day, do you really want to upload your entire personal life to somebody?

hahah! I wear yoga pants 'cause I'm too lazy for regular pants!

Don't giraffe's also fight by whacking each other with their heads? I would assume they have a VERY hard skull, like a ram or even if they do fall straight on their head right after being born, their bodies are likely adapted for it.

rofl! not exactly my first choice, but I definitely wouldn't mind staring at Sherry anytime anywhere.

Enjoy storing 1 of your 1080p movies on iCloud for $20/year.

Holy crap! I bet those guys needed a change of pants after that! Very lucky people indeed...

Too bad MTV is a complete shit-hole now. Teen Pregnant, Jersey Shore, etc etc

A television set is NOT about the apps. Most people don't want to use apps on their TV, they want to watch TV (and maybe a few want to listen to music). What does that mean? Hulu, Netflix, Spotify, web-based flash video, and other similar services.

Yeah guys it's TOTALLY Google's fault that Google TV sucks.

Backseat imo. Oh wait...that's the real name! hurrrrr

That's where I was screwed up as well. "A fine selection of roseart" then concluding that the rosearts are shittier.

so we're doing this now i guess...

yep, you're right. Still a weird article though.