
ROFL, I just made almost the exact same comment before seeing this one. Doh!

So.....every single hot dog eating contestant ever has rampant uncontrollable cancer...right?

Powerpuff Girls originated in 1998. You saying you "loved them as a kid" makes me feel like a dinosaur.

Yeah, I don't quite understand this article either. Roseart's are the "fake crayons", not Crayola. I don't know...maybe it's just the way the article is written / laid out.

That was the most boring 3:40 ever! I watched the whole damn thing in hopes of seeing "his triumph stance at the end" only to realize he kept the camera at fast-motion-pace for that as well, so it was just a tiny little flash of triumph :(

She has the iPads in the wrong place.

If Apple really cared that much, they would just buy him out and/or hire him and kill all of his public projects. Translation: Apple cares, but not enough to do anything major about it.


"Florida is more commonly known for the new and interesting reasons its citizens get themselves arrested for."

In theory, there is no such thing as a "heavy user who does not have unlimited data".

Image taken directly from Tropicana's OJ website. Highlighted for people who are morons.

This has been obvious to anyone drinking orange juice forever. I don't know why it's all of a sudden "news".

There's much more to running an Apple Store than pretty decorations. They care almost as much about customer service as they do the look of the products. The first time a customer has a problem at a store like that, Apple's brand would suffer....and "thou shalt not deface the brand".

Yes, they can buy online. Some people prefer to go to real stores though....where they can interact and/or ask questions to a real person.

You have no evidence that the store owner is infringing on the trademark. Just because he has a sign that says "Apple Store" does NOT mean that is the official legal name of the storefront.

Apple would never allow any 3rd party storefront to exist, other than a retail chain that happens to also sell a subset of their product line (a-la Best Buy/Radio Shack/etc).

"Maybe this whole thing might be the push for them to open up some legit stores over there. "

I doubt the store is going to get shut down. The guy who is quoted is essentially right. There's absolutely nothing wrong with him decorating his store however the hell he sees fit and/or naming it whatever the hell he wants.

Awesome idea....extremely awkward to actually use as a tool.

Definitely reminds me of Alien.