
idk, maybe he just emailed the "greeting cards" to everyone at the school? Certainly they have more than 1000 students total :P

The Wine Rack and Beer Belly would be amazing for Mardi Gras!

So wait a minute... You're telling me I can put on a record, point a camera at it, and then sell my "super artsy pictures" for $50 each? Where do I sign up?? I've got about 500 records, and a pretty nice DSLR. You think I could maybe get $60 each?

Why do you care how many of your friends are currently online? Does it really matter that much....


You should have signed up earlier. Like....years earlier. Welcome to Google Docs.

Maybe he actually got 1,000 accounts, and 19 of them had pictures?

Freaking amazing comic!!!!

ORRRRRRRRR people don't prefer DVDs, people prefer the availability of the movie they actually want to see. From the last thread, I pretty much learned in the comments that no one "actually prefers" the DVD service....the problem is that "the good stuff" isn't available for streaming.

Thanks for letting me know......for the 61st time.

They most definitely aren't trival.

By replying to his comment, you have thrust upon my eyes 2 additional lines of utterly useless text. Please be more considerate of taking up space on my screen with useless things, just like this useless giz article.


Someone needs to learn how to use shortcuts and/or place the files in a different folder to begin with.

There are a number of PCI, PCIX, USB, PCMCIA, and ExpressCard modules available that can output either a traditional hd composite, standard composite, or svideo signal. All of which your old giant tv can support.

Wow, there's a lot more people on Giz that use netflix than I thought.

Fair enough Puns-n-Roses :P

Time to upgrade hodayathink, you are behind the times sir :(

Right, the decision between streaming or BLURAY does make sense. Deciding between streaming or DVD doesn't.

Oh really? I thought they were the same. Didn't realize streaming selections were limited.