
If you buy a print subscription, you get the digitals for free as a bundle. I would assume THE ONLY REASON the company is seeing an uptick in print sales is because "would be" digital subscribers simply think the print offering + digital for free is a better deal..


It makes people feel superficially good about themselves while maintaining their trendy lifestyle...just as you noted. I completely agree that "a better use of your money and time" would be to buy a pair of regular glasses and then volunteer, but most people are lazy and would never do such a thing.

It is easier for some people to completely separate their business and personal lives than it is for others.

lot of cool vids this week.

What I got from this post is Gizmodo wants texts from Cult of Mac writers to stop. lol graphic

You don't say what drug is 500+ though. Maybe it's some drug that's like, "Oh this is the most dangerous thing ever, but it's also the only thing that can save your life at this moment".

ThemTube? TheyTube? OthersTube?

I wonder how big the Lego Digital Designer file would be, lol.

It was Apple trying to figure out the best possible aerodynamics for their next piece of aluminum.

Article fails to mention that the entire interior of the laptop is still plastic. It's not anywhere close to a solid piece of metal like MBP.

It's cool that we have displays that can display video formats that don't even exist. That's super useful....

That's the first thing I thought as well. BLIZZARD WANTS YOU TO RESET YOUR WOW PASSWORD, LOG IN TO THIS SITE TO DO SO: [] Oh look, no URL bar, you can't see my incorrect URL, so I have 1 more tool in my arsenal!!

That poses a question though, why wasn't HAL's light blue?

Didn't you see Watson on Jeopardy!? THE MACHINES ARE THINKING!!!

Good thing I can still get the same exact experience with a standard desktop and an apple cinema display.

She definitely has Sex A-Peel. That's for sure.

I have the same problem! Finally, an article dedicated to it. Lets band together to bring down the 3D establishment!

Haven't you ever heard of buyer beware? You, the consumer, have the responsibility to be aware that when entering into a contract with a 3rd party by providing them with your personal information and/or credit card information, there is a potential for theft of your information.

Does the Bin Laden navy seal team moonlight as campus police? 2 choppers in 1 week :/