“But I have no doubt Matt will be hooked on shitty old Jeeps for the rest of his life, and that makes it all worth it. Because I’m going to need someone to call for parts.”
“But I have no doubt Matt will be hooked on shitty old Jeeps for the rest of his life, and that makes it all worth it. Because I’m going to need someone to call for parts.”
Laugh all you want, but (1) they’ll sell, and (2) pay for engineers and product development.
I’m at 90 min/day. Cost of suburb living and city paychecks. That much more sleep a day is mind boggling.
Yeah but they make some money in overcharging for gas, too. That can help soften the hit.
At some point the rich ones are better off just taking Uber or getting a driver. Which is fine: the don’t drive and someone else makes money.
I had an ‘88 80 in ‘95. Constantly broke down, often electrical Gremlins. The kind where all your lights, interior and exterior, turn off until you hit the steering wheel *just* right.
$14 million in SF is enough office space for like 6 people. Not a significant investment.
I have to respect the
I saw a Land Rover dealer webpage about all the tax benefits of the Range Rover’s rapid depreciation.
Modeling contact says she stands next to the car for the day. No exceptions!
Extend the range of existing fuel by supplementing with solar, for example. Less fuel required for the same mission — less time spent vulnerable while refueling.
When I read Polestar I think “Pole Star,” like an erotic dancer.
That’s a lot of money they’re not investing in product quality.
It’s a reliability race to the bottom.
The major range cost for the additional HP is just the weight of the motors — it’s not practical to run it at 1000 HP, or even 400HP, for more than a few seconds on your trip. Reducing their size to 400HP won’t double your range. I doubt it’ll add more than 15-20%, and only for drivers that actually floor the pedal.