lady stone hearts tears

Can’t tell if trolling or just insane.

no one’s gonna comment on the fact that “The Serif” is written in a sans serif typeface? where have all the nerds gone?

Interesting, and a real philosophical question. Cats tend to be famously dismissive of any item that’s designed with them in mind, but are famously obsessive about cardboard boxes. Now they’re faced with a cardboard box that’s designed with them in mind. How will they know how to react? Obsessive? Dismissive?

all of the sudden Luke and Leia are siblings

If we’re breaking io9 rules for good movies I’ll ad The death of Stalin, the social network, hail Caesar and taxi driver to the list, all of which are on Netflix.

I mean, I didn’t hate it by any means, but such a criminal misuse of Christopher Eccleston needs to be addressed. Burying him under a mask and makeup was one thing, but making him speak a b.s. made-up language while everyone in Guardians of the Galaxy can understand each other was baffling.

IMO Portman is the least of that movie’s problems. I just thought it was aggressively boring. Everything’s technically competent, and there is plenty of stuff happening, but I have no idea why I should care about any of it. In fact, before Ragnarok I probably would’ve argued the movie would be better if anyone else

That is incredibly gutsy, passing on a major picture like that knowing that its possible you might not get another chance. Turned out to be the right decision fortunately for all of us.

Waiting for that cat licking the plate to knock the next domino over is as tense as a Hitchcockian thriller.

Except she didn’t match the description for age or clothing, just skin colour. Race alone is not grounds for arresting a child.

Look at all these fine specimens of the Master Race.

I can’t tell what’s worse: that she abuses her authority by fucking deputies, that’s she’s “Jackie Gleason as a 70s car chase movie sheriff” racist, or that’s she’s one of those thirsty ass people who blasts your phone with too many texts.

This is so much better than CG Clone Wars. I know a lot of people love CG Clone Wars because they saw it when they were young, but this bridges the gap so much better to me than the redo.

Now playing

I know it’s technically non-canon now, but I always loved how Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars’ second season ended with the opening shot of Revenge of the Sith.

Note to anyone posting a “tear-down” of this toy (y’know, to figure out how cheap they went with the servo linkages etc): you must do so while wearing the garb of Dr Pershing - selah.

There’s no maybe and I don’t know why you insist on bending over backwards and twisting yourself into pretzels to pretend that something blatantly racist isn’t racist but you need to fucking stop already. Your apologia for racism is unwanted.

This is all on Pelosi as far as I’m concerned. Two amorphous charges: “abuse of power”and obstructing Congress? Who did she get her legal advice from? What did she think was going to happen with those two ambiguous “charges?” There are a pile of perfectly good real crimes she could have settled on. Mueller (remember

The GOP was handed a chance to get rid of Trump (and reset), but didn’t take it.

Susan Collins and her water carrying ass is going to be out of a motherfucking job come November, her pretense at “moderation” has been shown to be nothing more than a fiction.