I just want to shout from the rooftop about how yes, these are exactly concentration camps. The only thing they aren’t doing is executing them, which is not necessary for the term to be correct.
I just want to shout from the rooftop about how yes, these are exactly concentration camps. The only thing they aren’t doing is executing them, which is not necessary for the term to be correct.
I’m still wishing all the other world leaders had switched into French and literally cut her out of the conversation.
No apologies necessary, I did pitch it very straight, mostly. I flew too close to the sun, again. But I refuse to use ackernyms and yellow winkies. I think we should use our words.
Read the post again. If it helps, understand that I present what I think is her rationalization.
Knowledge that being someone’s daughter isn’t a career qualification is probably why Chelsea Clinton went out and got an undergrad degree from Stanford and then a masters and doctorate from Oxford and another masters from Columbia.
Ain’t a trans woman in the world that is going to lie to someone they are about to sleep with about what they will find in their pants. It is going to come up (pardon the pun) sooner or later, and, given the fact that they don’t want to be assaulted/murdered, most women would prefer sooner.
Based on The Root’s comment section on Facebook, I highly doubt it.
He was only in space for a couple weeks. The 5-year jump happened after he’d already gotten back.
She kind of gets one a few minutes in when she rants about hairbrushes. It’s a bad one though.
Wait, that was supposed to be a Southern accent? She actually sounded like a Valley girl. lol
They’re a patchwork of different ideas and opinions.
Great, now where am I supposed to post the patterns for my #lockherup bunk sock and “I am blind to hypocrisy” sleep mask?
I just think of them all as Matryoshka doll of terrible people.
She would have made it even worse by pulling a Mickey Rooney, too.
I know. I’m genuinely worried these Sith Lords are undermining representational government and no one is taking the threat seriously.
Bahaha, so true, that is quite the assumption.
“You can’t take drugs in the military.”
Alright. Tell that to the guy in my BCT bay who was on albuterol.
Tell that to my wife, injured in the line of duty, who was on percocet during recovery.
Tell that to the various and sundry soldiers at the VA hospitals filling prescriptions for things as mundane as allergy pills…