lady stone hearts tears

They have specifically stated that they aren’t banning Republicans. They aren’t even banning Trump supporters. They are banning pro Trump expression.

They support concentration camps or provide support for those who do.

No, that is a tactic as old as fascism.

Yeah, it’s called “the inevitability of assholes principle”.

Right? Because it’s totally a method of dealing with someone you don’t agree with. Hurt them.

The Trump supporting knitters can start their own web site. The Unraveled.

They’re a patchwork of different ideas and opinions.

Great, now where am I supposed to post the patterns for my #lockherup bunk sock and “I am blind to hypocrisy” sleep mask?

This scene also goes a long way to explain why they hooked Carol back up to the Supreme Intelligence near the end of the film. In the final cut, it seemed like just an excuse to get more Annette Bening in the film, which, yeah, I’ll take, no complaints, but it makes a little more sense knowing the command given to

I just think of them all as Matryoshka doll of terrible people.

She would have made it even worse by pulling a Mickey Rooney, too.

I know. I’m genuinely worried these Sith Lords are undermining representational government and no one is taking the threat seriously. 

Bahaha, so true, that is quite the assumption.

If you look at the roof of the Veyron vs. the window sill of the CR-V, there’s almost no way she saw it without looking in her mirrors. The fact that bystanders are saying she was on her phone, and she was turning right from the left lane, leads me to believe shes a liar, liar, pants on fire. 

“You can’t take drugs in the military.”

Alright. Tell that to the guy in my BCT bay who was on albuterol.

Tell that to my wife, injured in the line of duty, who was on percocet during recovery.

Tell that to the various and sundry soldiers at the VA hospitals filling prescriptions for things as mundane as allergy pills

And it has been known to cut people who have sat on it in the past who were of questionable validity.

Show could have added small detail; have Dany cut hand on throne. This was detail from books as sign that someone not good ruler.

So, Lamar Odom. Okay. Don’t really know a thing about the man, but about how many people can it be said, “Had to be airlifted after being found face-down at the end of a four-day brothel-bender, but- he was just too damn big for the helicopter, so they had to send him in an ambulance instead.” (

If she was really interested in her education, she could find a good community college, do well there and transfer to a university after a couple of years. I’m guessing that won’t happen.