lady stone hearts tears

No love for poor Alys Karstark who died defending Bran alongside Theon and his Iron Born?

First thought I had after the episode was done.... and after replaying Arya vs Nite King about 10 times... was .... “Is this why Jaqen H’ghar smiled when Arya told him she was Arya Stark and she’s going home”.

So my issue there is, last episode everyone wouldn’t shut up about the crypts, and we all knew they’d be important because all the dead Starks would burst out of their caskets once the Night King did the magic “come at me bro.”  And its fine for something predictable like that to just happen, but then it wound up

Ghost falls in love with a snooty King’s Landing showdog. They have a litter of eight Diredoodles. This thing writes itself!

“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”

I don’t think the mentally ill defense is gonna fly here.

yeah, the world had clearly not recovered five years later. When scott’s going through town and just sees cars and abandoned houses, it’s very obvious people have not given too many fucks about cleaning up after the disaster.

He has America’s shield, but does he have America’s ass?

Except for that whole ‘Not eliminating Tony’s daughter from existence’ thing, which was know...his entire motivation.

I’m about to leave for a month of travel in Africa, and since I want to actually be able to use the internet while I’m there, I hauled my ass to an 8 am showing this morning. Maybe it’s just the endorphins, but I really enjoyed it. Some random thoughts:

Fast Five:

So, as a huge celebration of Marvel movies, I had a really great time with this one. Despite its mammoth runtime, I’ve already got my tickets to see it again this Sunday, to catch all of the things I may have missed.

Except now there’s at least still one permanent split in the timeline after the first avengers movie where loki got the tesseract and spaced out with it.  which i think is going to be the premise of his show on disney+

So in order to pilot herself, she needed the time-traveling Swatch, but there’s gonna be some explanation about her fiddling about with the control board at AHQ that’s going to be how she got the Thanoscopter (dammit, missed opportunity) to AHQ for the bombardment.

For the record, I thought the Nebula thread was the

I was the only idiot in the theater who laughed at the “Mungo Jerry beard” joke.

Also, I got more of a Rick Rubin vibe from Thor than Lebowski.

It’d be so much easier to explain if they just snapped that past five years out of existence. 

“Confounding” is an understatement when describing Silky’s reads. They were just as all over the place and messy as she carries herself. That coupled with her lazy attitude in the workroom before the runway by not putting any makeup on and admitting that she doesn’t really need to step it up any further makes her an

Lori Loughlin is upset that her legacy

B? Are we grading on a Silky-sized curve? Fortune Feimster and Natasha Lyonne were the only saving graces. This was a really bad episode. A’Keria and Brooke were only good relative to the other queens this season and Silky just did Silky. Adding bitch to the end of every line is not great comedy. With all the plus-size

Here’s to that last breath!