lady stone hearts tears

So Massie, like a lot of republicans is both smart and dumb at the same time. He lives on a farm that is off the grid... meaning it uses solar panels. Let that sink in for a moment.

Owens is a 29 year old college dropout (from URI, of all places). A half dozen years ago she was a secretary at a financial firm. As recently as three or years ago she was firmly anti-GOP and anti-Trump. She’s grifting as fast as she can. She knows fuck-all about political and racial history. And yet here she is

Obviously, she’s correct. But there’s also a deeper story there with Miller and people like him, specifically Jewish folks who align themselves with the virulent far-right here in the U.S. It is, without a doubt, fully white supremacist, and with that comes anti-semitism, in all its forms. I think the goal for a lot

It's a cover. If he were really Jewish he would remember that we were strangers in a strange land once and that the United States sent refugees from Hitler to die in his camps. None of Trump's supporters deserve to be called Jews if they are incapable of learning from our history. And that includes BiBi and the

Miller is garbage by any available measure.

I admit it is a low low low bar these days but this was a hella refreshing ACTUAL apology. 

Flipping cars and burning shit after a basketball game - no arrests.

Good thing this didn’t happen in response to a police shooting, or it would be a riot instead of a celebration.

The only way the depth of Trump’s crimes gets exposed is if he loses in 2020.

South Africa is actually second, behind Nigeria. Nigeria is notable for being more successful than South Africa despite the fact that they didn’t force people to live in racial segregation until the fucking 1990s like the Afrikaaners did. 

“your prime minister


We know what measles and polio are and have known for quite some time. We know how to protect people against those diseases. We know what happens if we don’t protect people against them.

Back then, no one knew what HIV was and didn’t try to because it was

you don’t get AIDS from someone coughing in a room full of people. But you do get measles that way. You don’t know people who died from measles, because they are dead. We don’t see the people regularly who were disfigured because of it because they often are shy about being stared at because of how they look.

I’m all for the inalienable rights of the Constitution, but the free exercise of those rights ends when they infringe upon the inalienable rights of another.

To that end, refusal to vaccinate oneself or one’s offspring infringes upon all three of the majors—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—because disease

Rich for whom though? For the most part it hasn’t benefited the original inhabitants of South Africa, that’s a big part of what Apartheid was about. Also most of Africa was colonised and it did nothing for their economies. South Africa has a high GDP because it has huge deposits of diamonds , it still also has slums.

Wait so the answer to Israeli colonialism in Palestine is...just doing colonialism in North Africa instead???

Of course we can’t get clarification on this now, but yes, it would seem that Jen (the adoptive mom who acted as a homeschooling SAHM but who was really addicted to online gaming and Facebook updating and hippie-ass New Age “transformational festivals”, according to the Broken Harts podcast) made him do it. https://www

I’ve read that the whole cop-hugging thing was an act they regularly encouraged for the children.

Yep, me too. It’s horrifying in retrospect.

Yes, it was a set-up shot, not spontaneous.  Devonte’s captors (I refuse to call them his parents) forced him to hug the cop.  In fact, he was forced to give out hugs to many people that day all for photo ops.