lady stone hearts tears

I found the Hotep.

I know not everyone living at the time could afford to dress like they do in this show, but, damn, do I love the style on display here and wish it could come back in a big way. In a way that we wouldn’t have to drop several Gs for a decent, colorful suit, y’know? Fair, though: I’m neither confident or thrifty enough

For years, I’ve been told that conservatives are too busy working to do stuff like this. You know, while liberals are too busy, simultaneously, being coastal elites AND welfare recipients, conservatives are working in the mines and mills across real America. 

Greatest Hope #2: Everyone has to leave Puerto Rico because Trump can’t fix the island and they all go to Florida and finaly make it blue once and for all.

Hmm. Where was all this “federal energy” decrying the miscarriage of justice over the sweetheart deal that Florida pedophile Jeffrey Epstein got???

They’re deliberately trying to desensitize us to how horrible they are, which is truly ... unsettling.

I caught a Bernie Bro rummaging through my trash yesterday. Typical Bernie Bro all covered in fur and wearing a little bandit mask!

Embarrassment? LOL

You’re missing another wonderful part of this story which was that she was that she was suspended after allegations she made against her boss that he endangered national security by breaking the law and flouting security procedures. 

Yes, whenever I want legislation to help protect people’s lives, I give the job to a member of the undead!

But of all the promotions that seem on brand, that seems the most on brand.

*Raises hand* But then again, how long have millionaires/billionaires been milking the golden calf and telling people to worship at its alter? This wealth worship started in the late 60's along with the rise of Nixon. Then the credit systems relaxed, and all the restrictions that kept people from indebting themselves

It’s all well and good that you talked to a gynecologist about vaginal health, but I’m not making my final thumbs up/down on this garment until I hear bagdash’s response.

Well, hon, do you want your money back, or not? Elizabeth Warren has an actual workable plan to claw back a bunch of the money that has been systematically siphoned away from people who work for a living for the last 40 years. If she gets elected, we get the money back.

I’m kind of surprised Elizabeth warren isn’t polling better (though not concerned.) She’s right about practically everything. She has put her finger on exactly, exactly, exactly how we have all been boiled like frogs for the past 40 years, and her 3-point platform has precise solutions for how to unwind the

I understand his frustration and I don’t think he’s a bad guy; if his job is to handle the campaign’s money and she’s rejecting a significant amount, I’m sure that makes his job super difficult. I don’t know the answers or what she needs to look for in a financial director, but it sounds like they need to focus on

Well, sure, she’s smart, principled, compassionate, detail-oriented, and tenacious — but other than that, why should we vote for her?

Anyone else find it completely insane that running for president means raising tens of millions of dollars?  Saying “I don’t want to grovel at the feet of billionaires” shouldn’t be a controversial or revolutionary decision.

I live literally around the corner from where this happened. I drive by Nip’s store every single day.

I love Hanif Kureishi. When you finish The Buddha of Suburbia, you might want to read My Beautiful Laundrette (it is a screenplay), or just watch the film (with Daniel Day-Lewis, directed by Stephen Frears).