
Committing suicide with dignity to avoid the horrific end she was guaranteed to have otherwise isn't "beautiful."

16 people to a room, poor pay, etc. They quote one worker as 'trapped'. It is heartless and cruel to think these people don't want better for themselves and should accept it because the factory could hire others. Of course cost of living matters , but if you read the article, they are being taken advantage of.

Isn't that one of the criticisms of Mother Theresa? I'm too tired to do some full research, but I remember it being said that she provided substandard care to the poor due to her belief that suffering brought grace.

It doesn't matter. That's the point. Yes you can buy fair trade shirts that are reasonably priced, but the people who set the price points don't give a shit about paying workers nonpoverty wages. They make up the vast majority of the retail sector. Their guiding star is profit, profit, profit and cut costs, cut costs,

Didn't 3rd-wavers get in trouble for the exact same shit back in the 90s? Why is no one trying to learn from past mistakes?

You keep saying the word "feminism." I don't think it means what you think it means.

She was incredibly misogynistic on her show directing her bile at women in the industry and constantly body shaming them or calling them sluts. She is no feminist, in fact she's part of the problem.

It's barely snarky at all and Chelsea Handler is an asshole. "Dumb slut" was allll you. The author didn't say Chelsea was wrong for this in any way. Chelsea got her credit, but doesn't deserve to have her ass kissed all of the sudden. One cool thing doesn't erase a million shitty ones.

do you normally get inordinately aggressive when reading other people's opinions? here's a hint: it's not that major

Considering that she had to be told that people are supposed to be compensated when they work for her, I'm not going to assume she knows how charitable functions work.

I've never seen someone turn so many backflips to miss a point.

"Let's see YOU paint a masterpiece, Mr. Art Critic!" "Let's see YOUR screenplay, Mr. Movie Critic!" "Let's see YOU smug smug fart fart logical fallacy, etc."

"...Lena made a t-shirt benefitting [sic][herself, while pretending to benefit] Planned Parenthood and got lots of celebrities to wear it & show their endorsement of [Lena Dunham and how awesome she is]..."

eh. i partially agree. i get it, but it doesn't impress me. she always finds a way to make every situation about herself. like the article said, the shirt could have said "________ <3 Planned Parenthood," by Lena Dunham. the point would have been made. i would never send my name on a t-shirt to my friends and call it

I mean... it's awesome when people show support for Planned Parenthood but does she have to go about it in such a self-aggrandizing way?

Is anyone actually surprised that Lena Dunham would make a Planned Parenthood endorsement All About Lena? Check out the difference in font size between "Lena" and "Planned Parenthood."

The only funny part of this whole Honey Boo Boo situation is if old-timer Jezebels can remember back to when the show first started and the editors were writing article after article tripping over themselves to tell us all that we were Bad Feminists if we looked askance at or did not take pleasure in watching this

I'm not shocked about June's poor choices, she's the living embodiment of poor choices. Before she became America's Favorite Hayseed, this is a person who gave her a daughter a concoction called "Go Go Juice" to make her child more animated for pageant shows. I'm not surprised that her bad decisions and am surprised

Every adult in this story, except for Anna, is absolutely horrible. Mark McDaniel has been out of jail since March so I doubt Sugar Bear has been obilvious to what's going on. He just doesn't care that his 9 year old is hanging around a pedophile. They're all awful.