
How dare we call a black girl Beautiful? How dare we. Let's not act like the media and society as hole spend so much of their time telling black girls they are ugly. Let bitch because Jezebel call a black girl beautiful. Because it totally take away her accomplishment.

You are the one sexualizing her. But this is nothing new coming from white people. They love to call Black girls women, teenage black boys men and will infatalized adults white women.

Look go take you meds. You're the one who responded to my post about Police Brutality with Zimmerman. So you are the one derailling. I never responded to your shit about whatever her name is because IDGAF about her.

Who is talking about Zimmerman, but keep acting like you're not aware of police brutality against Black people, I mean they only kill a black person every 24 hours.

Now you're calling your police force guns nuts because it will absolve Democrats from their politics?

This is the second child rapist she is dating.

I'm really really sorry it happened to you and your little sister.

You're an idiot, last time I check alcoholic don't rape children.

Pedophilia isn't a mental illness.

The punishment should be death sentence. There is next to zero rate of rehabilitation. They always relapse in the same year they are out of prison, and tend to kill their next victims.

Here we go again, womene are this fragile thing who are easily manipulated, who can't make decision on their own.

I have so much hatred for women who date well known rapist and pedophile. They are monsters.

Please STFU. You have never been to the Louvres so your opinion is not wanted.

I don't know in which alternative universe you're living where a White rich SA would get more time in jail for killing a Blak man or woman. I guess you don't read any SA news right?

And the thing I hate the most is the douche can't even recognize he got a small sentence for being white and a celeb. Then his famous friend helped him like crazy in getting his life back.

Is this the Sasha Grey this place love to use as an example of someone who was empowered by porn even-though she was forced her into prostitution by her Ex BF?

People are really easy on white men they would like to fuck.

Have you ever been to SA? STFU if you have never been there. Idiot read a book or two. Just follow one or 2 SA journalist on twitter to see how Apartheid isn't over in SA.

It's great to be a white man In Africa.

He is white and a man, you know if a woman said half or the shit he said she will be eaten alive here.