
I keep trying to figure out if no representation of indigenous people is worse than bad, culturally insensitive representations. Like is this white washing better or worse than Little House on the Prairie which is just flat out racist.

It speaks to Buttegieg having some privilege. Those cargo ships across the Atlantic aren't terribly luxurious, but they are very expensive. It's thousands of dollars for a crossing, while it's a few hundred from London to NYC, DC or Chicago.

You don’t have to be anti-intellectual to not be impressed by someone’s pretty pedestrian peccadilloes. Being into Ulysses, speaking an “exotic” second language, and collecting rare booze doesn’t even make you remarkable at Oxford. He’s fine and if ended up being our nominee, he’d be... fine? But I’m not ready to fall

The majority of the articles I’ve seen on him are substance free fluff pieces about his various hobbies and the boxes he ticks. This one just pokes fun at it, because he has yet to provide us with much substance. 

It’s cause you went for the white boy. They don’t like that. They’ll shit on PoC and women all day though. But how DARE you point out them being massive hypocrites when it comes to white male candidates they’ve decided to like for no real reason other than “he seems cool.” 

We’ve got a bunch of great candidates and none of them will ever pass the purity test.

Policy is important to me because I’m a woman from a conservative state that has historically voted Democrat at the state level. The Democrats in my state have said a lot of pretty words about supporting women and the right to choose, but then turn around and vote for laws banning late-term abortions or requiring

I’ve watched his townhalls and browsed his website and heard him go on about how we should just know his values without clear policy outlining his priorities. Until I see policy, I don’t trust a candidate because I want to see the issues they will prioritize and their specific stance on those issues. Candidates

Seems like there are a lot of people who can’t grasp that this piece is as much about the kids gloves with which male candidates are treated that female candidates aren’t.

It did, actually:

Forget purity tests. This is a basic “do you have any noteworthy policy proposals that set you apart from your competitors?” test. Both Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, candidates who I have my criticisms of, have managed this. Elizabeth Warren is obviously doing a great job on this front as well. Buttigieg? Not so

According to this article he is Rory Gilmore.

Like I said in the piece, his actual policy proposals are either unimpressive and uninspiring compared to the rest of the Democratic field or they’re actively disappointing. I don’t think anyone has offered a strong reason to support Buttigieg in this primary season beyond “he’s smart and seems like a nice guy.”

Buttigieg is not a serious candidate, he’s a small town mayor. If he were a woman no one would be talking about him, evidenced by the lack of buzz surrounding experienced women who have an actual vision for the future of the country.

These anecdotes are cute but they’re not a replacement for a personality/political mettle. These anecdotes are like a dating app profile with a bunch of flags, a dog emoji, and a guy holding a fish. Traveling, collecting records, reading, speaking another language... none of these are a personality. They’re little

This is exactly what I thought. All those Bernie Bros who claimed in 2016 that they weren’t sexist and would support Elizabeth Warren; suddenly aren’t interested in supporting Elizabeth Warren.

Sansa doesn’t want Dany. She straight-up used a Littlefinger tactic, telling Tyrion the truth because she knew he’d run and tell Varys. Hell, she planted the seed of Dany’s demise that nullifies her claim to the throne.

Sansa was trained by Littlefinger. Girlfriend has a LONG GAME here, this was not just a blab, this was a calculated spread of information.


Sansa was never going to keep quiet. Dany was right, after all she has been through a promise of secrecy means nothing if she thinks by exposing that secret she can protect her family and the North. Right now I think Sansa is the most level headed and shown the most leadership out of anyone. She is angry, but unlike