
I think baggage in this case just means the life experience to see through his BS.

Let me guess: HE was over 35, right? But that didn’t mean he had “baggage” or anything, because men are immune to any kind of psychological complications, of course.

After 4 sugar-mama requests and 4 baby-mama requests in a two-year period—all by men I was on a first or second date with—I was officially done. Have been partner-free for two years now and have zero regrets. I finally understand why the life of a nun appealed to so many badass ladies throughout history—and they

Omg, I never knew that was a thing until a guy I know actually used those words to me—that he would never date a woman over than 35 because of the “baggage” !!

Right? It’s like a switch flips as soon as they get close to 40. They’ll date you...and suddenly realize they can be dating 20 year olds. And that’s what they do. It’s insane. Many of these young girls don’t realize about putting up with bullshit from men so they just let these 40 year old guys be man children for a

I’m sure I’m gonna catch heat for this, but I honestly think part of the problem is that society still views women without children as incomplete failures. It needs to be more okay for women to just not have them.

Oh I should also add we’re sorry and lo odiamos más que tú y Vicente Fox

Oh Fantastic! Gracias Mexico 

The Seattle rally was next to the federal detention center where some of the detained parents are held. There were agents on the roof with binoculars and taking pictures. I flipped them off.

Yes, they even held a protest in London. 

We’ve had several across Canada, today. I went to the one in Toronto.

Not all STEM is created equal. Plenty of biologists and civil engineers don’t make bank.

Honestly, I’m fucking sick of the phrase “self care.”

If #selfcare was ever a radical act, it has been dead and buried since every two bit narcissist with a “following” decided to use it as a way to rebrand self-absorption and tone deafness. The idea of self care is sound. The notion that it must be discussed like it is something new is comical.

I think all her quotes are awesome and spot on. And I totally understand what she means by “beauty as self care.” But the fact that the “Beauty is self care” message is being repeated and highlighted by a beauty magazine makes me a bit wary. I hope the message isn’t twisted to mean, “Women who don’t spend a lot of

I mean, it would only be weird in a world where we didn’t objectify women and tell them their only worth is in being fuckable. In this world? It’s not weird at all.

>best known for her work in Quantico

That’s fucking insane. Aside from the the obvious language issues, fibbing/lying to please an adult, kids that age have issues separating reality and fiction and seemingly no objective sense of the passage of time.

Holy shit. When my kid was 4 he didn’t even know what country he lived in. This is unimaginably cruel. I honestly don’t understand how these people sleep at night.

I was going to say that I’m amazed that the judges are going along with this, but apparently some of them are actually convinced that it’s appropriate.