
I sometimes make a big platter of caprese salad for our many family reunions. Couldn’t be easier, tomato, mozzarella, basil, and olive oil. The good thing about it is if you don’t live nearby you can get the stuff locally and you can bring it to the venue and prepare on-site. Happily slice the tomatoes quietly

I don’t understand the dislike of mayonnaise. Like, it has been explained to me that it’s a visceral thing and sure, fine, but people are really fucking extra about how much they hate it. I should probably bow out of this comment section now, haha.

Last post of this kind, today, I promise.

I was with a guy once a couple decades ago. We had been dating a little while, it was starting to get kind of serious. One night we had a stupid fight. I don’t remember what it was over, but it was dumb. He gave me the silent treatment over it for four days. Wouldn’t speak to me, wouldn’t look at me, wouldn’t

Yep. It’s a lot to handle. We are failing our youth, without a doubt. I graduated in 99 from high school, and I remember being absolutely rocked from Columbine. However, this was before 9/11, and I still had a pretty rosy outlook about the world. It’s funny because I remember one of my good friends went to West Point,

Also, these teens are a lot more aware than previous generations of how bad their job prospects will be in the aftermath of the recession, coupled with the prospect of taking on huge student loan debt.

I think there is a bigger conversation here worthy of being had on why fun is singularly equated with drinking and partying. I’m just starting to question all the things we label as “cool” considering so many of them are masculine. Binge drinking was once the domain of men, now women have “caught up.” Woo hoo? I think

I am contentedly single as well, age 36, and I have to say that I *do* feel like an anomaly/unicorn. I only have 2 other single friends my age, and neither of them is ok with it. The only time I feel any camaraderie is on threads like this.

SATC makes me uncomfortable, especially as a parent, and it is not because it upsets clichés, it is because it reinforces them (do not even get me started about the movies).

“Lexi, who seems like an extremely fun person to hang out with...”

Um I don’t torture my sims or whatever the rollercoaster/zoo tycoon people are called and was always freaked out by anyone doing that (or mutilating dolls - why do people do that).

Not only have I never tortured my Sims, I have turned off the death feature. In my Sims world, everyone has a mansion and the absolute best clothes. Who are you monsters???

Yup. Bullies will try to excuse their behavior by saying they were joking and weren’t really going to do anything bad; but that dynamic-where the victim is afraid because he/she doesn’t know how much danger they are in-is the entire point of sadistic bullying. That’s what bullying is-enjoying the act of holding your

Some people ...don’t torture their Sims?

Who the hell cares if it was “intended as a joke.” How many little jerks snapped my bra, slapped my ass or honked my breast because they thought it would be funny? That they were joking and didn’t mean ill? Intention doesn’t matter when the violation of your bodily autonomy is breached. Fuck them.

“ was intended to be taken as a joke and not as a sexual advance.”

Haven’t watched it, read summaries of the episodes just to see what the general story was about.

And yet no charges for false report, and no 72 hour hold.

The right course of action would have been to arrest this woman for harassment and wasting police resources. You KNOW that a POC who called the police for bullshit reasons would not get off with no consequences.

There’s a lot of that going around WypipoTown. I had to tell a woman in one of our own communities here that she didn’t get to complain about her Trump-supporting relatives to me when I’d already asked her nicely to stop ... and then when she still wouldn’t stop (much like Debbie here) I kinda sorta let her know she