Yes! I think this is more effective than the 100% deet because its long-lasting and stays put when you sweat.
Yes! I think this is more effective than the 100% deet because its long-lasting and stays put when you sweat.
Yes! I think this is more effective than the 100% deet because its long-lasting and stays put when you sweat.
Yes! I think this is more effective than the 100% deet because its long-lasting and stays put when you sweat.
I’m about the same size as you, and I will add in another rec for Panache. They are THE BEST sports bra I’ve ever tried, and it makes running so much easier and more comfortable!
The almond champagne is SO good! I am drinking it right now! That is in fact the whole reason I went to TJ’s this week (though I also came out with lots of cheese and frozen food... shopping there on an empty stomach was a bad idea).
Yes! I’ ve been getting SO frustrated with Bernie claiming he’s going achieve universal single-payer healthcare, and then insinuating on twitter that Hillary doesn’t believe in universal coverage. This has been her platform for YEARS, she championed it, and then she and other dems compromised to get the ACA passed…
I can understand the “Where was Bernie?” because she was a huge leader in championing universal healthcare, but Bernie has been alleging that she’s against univeral healthcare because she’s now focused one expanding ACA (instead of repealing it and replacing it with single-payer). I’ve been waiting here to take a…
She did discuss those other positive things... I’m not sure if you’ve seen the full 6 minute video of her statements, but it did address a lot of other things. I agree that this was a mistake that should have been left out, but it seemed less egregious in context. I don’t know why she brought up AIDS at all (when you…
This is what pisses me off! It seems really hypocritical of him to pull out the UHC talking point. We all know that was HRC’s pet cause, but that she and other dems compromised to get the ACA through. And after his time in the Senate, Sanders is surely well aware that UHC would NOT go through.
Exactly! And this is the frustrating thing... it’s like, you can even get into the conversation about sexism, because people get pissed off. They don’t want to admit there’s any sexism there, and insist that it’s to do with more tangibles about her record, her character, etc.. They think it CAN’T be sexism, because…
Honestly, I think 1) a lot of it is sexism, and 2) a lot of it has been years of successful smearing and vilifying of her from the right (much of which has been very intertwined with that sexism). She’s been front and center in the public eye for a long time, which has given more opportunity for her to critique, and…
It may be liberal, but academia is pretty retrograde when it comes to privilege white men above anyone else.
I want to give that comment all the stars!
Yes, exactly! I’ve been having this discussion on groupthink, but I just feel like there’s SO MUCH sexism and racism that I didn’t know about or recognize when I was younger. I felt like in my 20s, I thought that for the large part, woman had won equality, and that we lived in a “post-racial” world. Now in my 30s, I’m…
Yes, I am SO grateful I worked with female professors.
You’re not the only one.
Yes! I LOVED Sookie, and that she was a fully-formed character, whose identity had nothing to with her size or appearance (though she was super-cute throughout the series—I loved her clothes and hairstyles, especially in the highlighted-pigtail stage). I haven’t watched too many of her newer roles, but of that ones…
Wow, how did you decorate the sugar skulls? It looks so detailed!
Sheep on the tracks!
I’m still not sure how this is interpreted as the Vatican confirming it. One statement says that neither confirm nor deny. Another statements says that they do not deny, but have no further comments.
The difference in your food/bevarage consumption likely had NOTHING to do with the differences between your kids. If the wine/caffeine had detrimentally affected kid #2, they would not be functioning as an average kid. The potential risks of overuse are far more severe defects... they don’t cause incremental changes…
If the pajama shirt was worn OVER the bikini top, I think this would be really cute.