
Khloe to Rob: “I miss you.”

Caitlyn Jenner is an asshole, just as Bruce Jenner was. She changed her outside only. I have no idea why she gets a pass on her awfulness.

Exactly. I have nothing but contempt for any trans woman who still considers herself a conservative Republican. Especially since that necessarily means she supports their anti-LGBT agenda. Yes, she’s shielded by her wealth more than 99.9% of other trans people, but what if conservative-supported laws pass requiring

Seriously. Has she tried to apply for a job or a lease lately? She lives her life in a bubble of make-believe.

Caitlyn Jenner SHOULD get more shit for her beliefs than her gender identity, since her beliefs are stupid, and she had basically nothing to do with being trans. So, yay, if that’s the way it’s going down for her.

Who says she can't have both Toms?

Yep. I got pregnant at nineteen and terminated. Went on to marry the guy a couple years later. Eleven years after that, I had my daughter.

If I’d been forced to carry that first pregnancy to term, I’m certain that child would have entered into the system before they turned two. I was in no position to care for a

There’s been a few responses to this letter but this one is my favorite (H/T Backtalk).

Thank you so much for sharing your story.

This is brilliant, thank you for writing it. And just to help you contextualize your experience a little, the second-largest group of women needing abortion in the U.S., (though not Canada) is women between 40 and 45 who are mothers. It’s not you, though your copper IUD failure is a spectacular one!

Kinda looks like a house arrest or alcohol testing ankle monitor. How on trend!

I really like this whole concept of blaming a man’s assholish behavior and immaturity entirely on his wife. After all, he’s “vulnerable.” Nothing he does can possibly be his own fault.

Why is it rude? Did I miss the memo when backstage became a sanctuary for people to act assholes without consequences?

This isn’t funny anymore and, upon further reflection, it probably never was. I used to think he was some self-absorbed megalomaniac, but it is becoming clearer with every outburst that he is suffering from mental illness. Sadder still, no one around him seems to care enough to help.

I'm really sorry for your loss.

Add it to the list of “things one shouldn’t say” when offering condolences.

Sad for her family. That one tweet though.. “I didn’t know her, but she was beautiful”... sums up that stupid show.

Using cups as bowls is a reasonable and normal thing to do (especially mugs). Using bowls as cups is insane and clearly someone should do a welfare check on the OP.

Nothing like a mug of ice cream.

I eat everything out of a bowl. They also serve as cups in my apartment.