
Lol your stance reminds me of my friend who vehemently “doesn’t believe in unterminated pregnancies”. Ditto.

Not your money, not your laws, not your say. Get over it.

I’m suddenly REALLY turned on. And I don’t even like bacon! Nicely done.

If you get it looked at at every physical, next physical get it snipped. Or do it yourself with scissors and peroxide. The bleeding will stop and you’ll be fine. Worth it.

Bulimia is a serious and at times deadly illness. Not cool for you to joke about.

I was an insecure new dancer at a sticky floored, seedy as fuck strip club. The seedy as fuck, overweight, dirty, grease ball 55+ y/o bartender kept sending ‘free’ drinks my way. I was super anxious, and drank them intending to ease my nerves. End of night, I’m drunk and he and the (engaged, ugh) GM call me into the

Oh my god, your mother is GORGEOUS. So beautiful!!!!

There’s a link in the article on how to handle exactly that. End of very first paragraph.

Agreed. I once had a partner in the midst of sex tell me to call him daddy and I paused, cringed, went “um.... da...... ddy?” And physically recoiled like I’d eaten a bite of spoiled meat. He laughed at me :( and said nevermind, went back at it, but I was COMPLETELY turned off, game over. NO.

I’ve been really wanting to save and get a Brazilian laser hair removal package. I paid out the wazoo to have my underarms done, and LOVE!!!!! the results, but damn it was expensive! I’m also shy about having someone else that’s not a lover get so all up in my parts. Do you think I could do my own Brazilian with an at

Born in 84. Bulimic since 98. Bought ipecac at the drug store until 2001 when they removed it from the shelves. Used it for ‘emergencies’ when I couldn’t purge everything on my own. I used it maybe 6 times. Vomiting on ipecac was excruciating. So, so violent, like you were going to purge your own organs out. Looking

I just looked the series up and agree about the cover, but your glowing review and the others I read have me sold. I’m ordering! I lovvvve books with strong female characters and am actually excited this is a trilogy!


This is the kindest comment I’ve seen online in a long time. How genuinely lovely of you. I really appreciate this article, this comment, and your writing and I wish you lots of good things. :)

Pleeease tell me more about Angelina Jolie. Her beauty made me so, so insecure as a teen. Are the children happy, at least? Why has she been so frighteningly skeletal for the past several years? Raging eatIng disorder? Drugs? Are her and pitt happy/good together, for the most part?

Oh, GROSS. Nope nope nope nope NO.

"If you're worried about your sex partner hearing your rectal cacophony, try holding some toilet paper against your butthole to dampen the sound."

100% agree

Ditto. I forewarn: “we’re using protection, but you should know that if something happens and I get pregnant, I am getting an abortion immediately. If you have an issue with that, we shouldn’t sleep together.”

I know I'm late to this party but I just cackled so loud at this! ahahaha! You are truly an inspiration!