
I generally dislike Tebow, but you have a point, and I respect him for it: at least he’s consistent.

None of this makes sense and I barely care about any of these people but the whole time I’m reading it like:

It’s like a swirling petri dish of questionable decisions and cloudy bodily fluids.

You N Me

Nah, I think Jana would be like “Finally! A way out of this shit!” and become the best NFL wife and then NFL divorcé ever.

you’re doing god’s work, kara brown

I could not care less about Tim Tebow and even I knew he was serious about waiting until he was married. This chick doesn’t have an obligation to wait, but don’t be an asshole about it. He is very upfront with his beliefs, which I respect even if I don’t agree. I think it sucks that this is splashed all over the

I took someone’s virginity once. At his parents’ beach house. It was something to write home about, and not in s good way. As we left the coast to drive back to our hometown, he hung out the window of my car and yelled “I JUST HAD SEX WITH BETTYCROCKPOTTER!!!!!!!!”

Right? Like I haven’t had any sex in 6 or so years but on the plus side I’ve had sex way more recently than Tebow so I am feelin good.

If this was a guy, we’d be raking him over the coals.

yeah, bascially

Pretty much.

Eh, I have sympathy for both the dudes you describe and for this woman, provided they didn’t pressure anyone into doing anything they didn’t want to. Sometimes what looks like a minor inconvenience at the beginning of a relationship, when you’re really infatuated with someone, becomes a much bigger problem when the

Seriously, what’s wrong with this lady? If we found out about a guy like this, we’d completely dog him.

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m actually not mad at Tebow for this. He said “no sex before marriage” roughly a bazillion times in a kajillion different media outlets. She has every right to get some, but it’s not like he hid the plan.

“Oh, you were SERIOUS about that virgin til marriage thing?

Hey you know what? More power to both of them. They each have their own standards for how they want a relationship to be and what they want out of it. By adhering to them, they've realized they're not compatible and are going their separate ways to find spouses that are more suited to their needs and wants. That's

tfw you serially date uber religious dudes and then are like wtf bone me please and they are like dude what part of this did you not get and you’re like tru

I went to a screening of By The Sea with a friend who had free tickets and I STILL regretted it. It was so pretentious and so hilariously overacted. The French are actually good at the whole bourgie ennui and terrible marriages and the “European palette” thing.

Not going to feel much pity for Cruise. He clearly took his children with Nicole Kidman away from her. Whether he’s not seeing Suri because Katie is a Suppresive Person or because Katie opposes his religion, it’s a taste of his own medicine. Either way, he has clearly prioritized his cult over his family.