
I’m really sorry you’re having to go through this. It is unbearably painful, I know. It isn’t easy for you to truly believe this right now, but I’m still gonna say it: it gets easier. You won’t always feel this way. The cloud will lift and you will be free again. I promise. Just hang in there and hold on tight to that

I hope you keep strong and get more help through your dark times.

You’re not wrong to want the support of your family, but I think you have to be compassionate enough to understand that maybe it’s not in them to give right when you ask for it, in the way that you’re asking them for it.

Personally, I think it’s really

I’m sorry you feel this way. Alcoholism is physically and mentally painful. I was going to create a post on crosstalk for people to vent. But got sidetracked. Ill get around to it tonight.

Shygurl, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. You have to believe that your son will come around eventually - I don’t know how old he is but if he’s older he’ll eventually see his dad for what he is (voice of experience here). However old he is, you’re his mom, he needs you and it would scar him irreparably if

I don’t know what to say other than ‘Thank you for being a good and kind person’.

I have a sister who is bipolar and is so toxic I’ve cut all ties with her. She’s done awful things to me and my other sister, using our children to pay us back for some perceived offense. Bipolar or not, she’s very consciously making the decision to act as she does.

I know that this is a mental illness. I know that I should have sympathy. I know that she can’t help being ill. But after 20 years of talking about killing herself isn’t she just a narcissist who wants attention? I say this as someone who deals with depression on a continual basis and it baffles me. I can not even

It translates to, basically, “Sinead, you are beautiful and loved. Remember your Irish spirit and don’t let the bastards get you down.”

On the one hand, I’m super sympathetic because it’s obvious she’s in tremendous pain and needs help. But on the other hand, I have a super toxic mom and for my own sanity have to keep her away from me and this is precisely the shit she’s pull to try and get attention from me. (She let my abusive ex husband move in

Love Sinead forever but when someone has that many children who won’t speak to them... it tells me that she has put them through an awful lot. I hope she gets the help she needs but this is certainly not their fault.

This is a shit storm of awful and a distressing read but only a small section of what she wrote. She blames her whole family, friend base and children for wanting to kill herself. She’s clearly been unwell and struggles with mental health and has done for quite a while. I hope she gets help that works for her and she

When my then 33-year-old husband was diagnosed with cancer just when we were about to start trying for a baby, I was so grateful we didn't have to put a child through living with his illness. It's not fun.

I remember having the conversation with the doctor and embryologist and my husband the morning of that retrieval. We wanted to be practical, we didn’t want to be overly-emotional, but it’s a draining, emotional, expensive (even with insurance coverage!) process. So the doctor said he wanted to freeze on day 1, so that

I DEFINITELY wouldn’t want kids if I were, personally, diagnosed with cancer in my mid-thirties. My mom died when I was a kid, quite unexpectedly, and one of my greatest fears is having kids and then dying while they’re young and still need me. If I thought I’d be potentially terminally ill while my kids were still

Yes, I’m sure I wouldn’t have wanted kids if I’d been diagnosed with cancer when I was in my 30s. But that was 15 years ago. And I knew since I was 16 that I didn’t want kids. Thanks for playing.

Wait, what? That would be the weirdest graduation present ever. “I’m proud that you graduated so now babies!” I got a pretty necklace from my mum and the worlds ugliest orange felt picture of an owl from my brother (actually that was pretty weird but his heart was in the right place).

Doesn’t it seem like there should be some kind of “truth in advertising” labeling requirement for this? Like, “MAYBE you have a 20% chance of success” stickers or something?

Because at “10-20k for the procedure”, that’s pretty spendy for a kinda/sorta/maybe.

that sounds sort of inappropriate. if someone had pulled that on me in law school I would be been Unamused.

Pro tip: If you get the feeling like you don’t want kids, but you freeze eggs to please everyone around you who says “you’ll change your mind later”, save your money. You’re not going to defrost those eggs. Ever. You know in your gut that you don’t want kids.

Huh. Weirdly enough Professor Robertson taught my Reproductive Rights class in law school. A fertility doctor came and spoke to our class and at the end of his lecture spent about 15 minutes trying to promote (almost exclusively female class) egg freezing. The doctor tried to tell us it would be a good “graduation