
The awesome picture book Mitford At The Fashion Zoo by Donald Robertson features a giraffe whose dream is to be a fashionista and such illustrious designers as Michael Boars and Shark Jacobs. It is EVERYTHING.

Hahahaha, artisanal baby clothes. Because if it’s fair trade and organic, hewn by enthusiastic locals, your baby won’t vomit and/or have a blow out that the neighbors will smell 2 doors down.

My cat does this. Except he never spills the drink. #catsnotkids :o

My cat is also really into straws.

Y’all. Be serious.

Right now my 7 mo old is REALLY into straws. So... don’t worry too much about gifts.

It’s completely appropriate if my 25 year old self wants this as well, yes?

I recently learned that in the iconic picture from the Oklahoma City bombing of the firefighter carrying the baby, the little girl was already deceased and he was just trying to move her body. The family had to deal with that picture not only on magazine covers but on tshirts and mugs and signs. Their other kids had

Well...this morning just keeps getting grosser and grosser.

Are you? I mean, are you really?

No, staring at other women when you know your girlfriend ‘puts up with it’ makes you an asshole. And, generally, leering at any women in public does indeed make you an asshole.

Or just dump the asshole, because if you need to resort to MRA-lite tactics to stop him from being an asshole, then he’s not worth it.

I was scared. I ride a bike to work and when I left the studio it was almost freezing outside. I biked to a busy corner and broke down crying. I had to call my boyfriends uncle to pick me up because he had a truck. He took me home and I tried telling my boyfriend what happened and I literally couldn’t get the words to

I hear the men I work with all the time talking about how SUUUPER careful they have to be because of sexual harassment laws. What a BURDEN they are.

I was hired into a high end photography studio. My degree is in art and gallery management and I was brought on to sell sessions with the photographer— his clientele included mayors, celebrities, whatever. I quickly found out that he had a secret side business making “erotic art” which TBH was straight up porn. So I’m

While obviously you’re not feeling it this way, do you think she’s trying to be supportive? Or is it just condescending or judgey? I feel like food politics in the office are soooooo fraught with judgement: why aren’t you eating the birthday cake? why are you eating the birthday cake? you’re just having a salad?

I’m fat, and I’ve been losing weight in the last few months... my female boss congratulates me all the time on my weight loss and on how hard I’m working and my food choices.

Ugh. The countdown clocks are the worst. So gross.

I remember seeing those for Natalie Portman and Avril Lavigne too.

Ugh, remember how back in the day there were like, countdown clocks for Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen turning 18? STILL NOT OKAY.