
I hope that another company sees the story and is willing to give him a chance.


Right? My first thought upon reading this was, “That’s amazing and kind and I want only good things for this couple and the refugees they are working with.” And my second thought was, “Hey, time to donate some money for refugees.” So much better than any of my reactions to either the “push present” post or its

What a wonderful way to start married life. Generous hearts and balanced priorities. Couples have survived with less? I wish them all the happiness in the world. They’re responsible for some of it.

Loving that you put this up after the Kardashian push present post.

What lovely people. I also remember a news story from a few weeks back where a couple invited in a bunch of Syrian refugees to their wedding reception and fed them along with their guests so they could have a nice evening. Even in times of fear, hate and xenophobia, we still have examples of straight up kindness and

My god I am so sorry for your loss, and that your grandmother behaved in such a heinous fashion. I can’t believe she thought that in a car ON THE WAY TO YOUR SISTER’S FUNERAL was a good time for fat shaming (not that there is ever a good time, but, jesus christ, this might be the worst time).

...And that was the last time I saw my mother!

While I was getting in the car to go to my little sister’s funeral...

“I have had 5 kids and I am not as fat as you” my mom to me at the first xmas I brought my husband to. She then attempted to make out with my husband in the bathroom and when he rebuffed her, asked her boyfriend to kick his ass. She was not drunk.

I was about 12. My dad had buddies over to watch hockey or some such. I was asked to bring snacks, etc. into the room for them. One or two of them made digs at me about having “small tits”. My dad agreed with them, and some other sort of joke was made. My face burned, and something inside me broke. Totally stopped

Grew up in Milan, where you see skinny models everywhere. The women in my family are small and pretty. I came out taller and bigger and hungrier. My mom goes to the gym seven days a week twice a day and has been on a diet since 1987, the time I was born at a low weight because she had decided she was too fat and

Your mom thought she was unpopular because of her weight. In reality it was her shit-ass personality.

“Boys don’t like fatties.” My mom told me that about a thousand times. Guess what? Boys like me fine.

My dad, who is partial to women with teeny tiny frames, used to sort of whack my awkward pubescent shoulders and ask “When did you get such broad shoulders?” As if he thought patting them hard enough would magically shrink them down. I felt ashamed that I apparently had a body no man would like.

I think my favorite part about it is how polite he was after you told him it was the wrong number. There were no annoying invites to join, or unsolicited dick pics, just a nice apology. That and willing to shave his ass and balls if you want him too...well he sounds like a real keeper. :-)

I know. His enthusiasm kind of wins the day. My favorite part is where he announces that they will need the whole living room for this.

I fell in love once...

This isn’t new, it’s just new technology. Back in the day, I sent a carrier pigeon who ended up getting lost and flying west instead of east, and the result was a beautiful, long, sustained pigeon-exchange. We celebrated our seventeenth anniversary in August.

Ughhhhhhh they bonded over The Secret? I hate them so much. I’m not even normally that judgy but that book is THE WORST and it’s garbage hippie prosperity gospel for garbage thinkers.