
This cannot possibly be news to most people. I’m cool with like, 20 minutes start to finish and then Netflix.

Women wanted eight more minutes of foreplay and seven more minutes of intercourse

Excuse to posts a lovely wedding picture of my mother, about to celebrate their 50th anniversary next month? Accepted! Say hello to October of 1965.

I agree, I love amateur porn, chubby, skinny, young and old. Let’s all get over what we look like and start enjoying our bodies.

This is Aunt “I hate my life” Jenny. and below is Cousin “You bitches made my life miserable” Beth

They died a year apart. I don’t see the upside of the tradition. The burial is extremely, extremely expensive (you have to offer the village a banquet on the day of the burial, on day 3 after, on day 9, on day 40, and every year on the anniversary). Public displays of grief are severely policed - if you don’t cry

Yikes, you think people should go buy and then learn to apply body makeup before taking sexy photos and videos with their partner because it’s unacceptable to see some stretch marks? That’s absurd. The majority of women have stretch marks from puberty. They’re not gross or shameful. Sitting around spackling your on

Yeah, but samples don’t have any calories. (Shhhh it's true) He probably didn’t want to enter anything in MyfitnessPal and feel bad about himself later.

Once, as a teenager, I worked for a couple hours as a favor to my friend’s dad, handing out free samples of this really terrible energy bar at Costco. People will eat literally anything if it’s free and in a small accordion paper cup. This bar tasted like dirt rubbed in poo with some raisins in for a hellish texture

What a stupid comment. She is obviously working through her feelings on this in a thoughtful, conscious way. Converts I know are so much more ‘Jewish’ than I am (a born Jew)! They made a choice to commit themselves to the faith, that is a profound commitment. She’s obviously speaking to her rabbi and others, she’s

My main problem with your commentary here is that you and raisedbycats, neither of whom are ethnically Jewish/have family that has been affected by the Holocaust, are talking like you seem to think that you know better for the Jewish community than those of us who have dealt with this our entire lives. Honestly, I’m

No problem, I used to work in international criminal law so I got very excited about this post!

I am 100% ethnically Jewish.

I’m Jewish. My entire family except 4 grandparents and two aunts, were murdered in the Holocaust. That’s something like 30+ people. I always feel torn when I read things like this. So to you, person who converted (and thank you for choosing to make that decision — I know it’s not an easy one, and I consider you fully

I “don’t know anything” because I’m not an ethnic Jew? Or because I’m not a lawyer? Or because...?

Thanks for the tip. I bought it and “Ordinary Men”

Of course, we can all only feel the way WE feel. MY feeling is that the big wheels are turned by little cogs. It is worth a trial- a fair one, in which she might be acquitted- to sort out how much her work contributed to the larger atrocity.

I imagine it would have to be part of her defense. I think there is merit in not letting people who had even minor roles off the hook. The Holocaust was not just pulled off by a select, monstrous few; it also involved the tacit acknowledgement and approval of the many. Establishing that being one of these many who

I think it’s very reasonable to look at this situation as the grey area it is. She was 20 years old at the time, which is pretty young... but she wasn’t a minor. Her work was purely administrative... but it contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths. I think your unease is totally sensible.

I don't think there is any scenario where you take the cane away from the blind kid.