
So he's not the guy who did it 40 years ago but maybe is the guy who did it 20 years ago?

We don't know that. Millions of people would say our Dr. Huxtable would not do this. We should all stop saying that someone would not do something just because we have good experiences with that person. This is one of the reasons sexual abuse/rape survivors don't come forward.

Or suddenly stopped 20 years ago.

Words cannot describe how disgusted I am. The sheer audacity of his "apology," as if being in "therapy" can make up for what he did to these women, as if he had no choice in the matter and was suffering from some kind of illness. I'm sure THEY needed four times the amount of therapy to get over the things he CHOSE

On the recording, I described events that took place 20, 32, and 40 years ago,

It's impossible to believe this only happened three times.

I hope he's punished to the fullest extent of the law, and finds every door shut to him for the rest of his life. He deserves to live out the rest of his days miserable, in loneliness and isolation, to feel the fullest consequences of his actions.

I completely agree with you! When I was younger I was not focused at all, I dropped out of college and just started working. Got lucky at a good company, and now have spent the past few years going back to school, to get my degree in what I want. While it is harder with kids, I think that being more mature and goal

Don't feel guilty. Absolutely do not feel guilty. Your reporting probably wouldn't have stopped it. Please, dear gods, don't feel guilty. You've already been through enough.

I am one of those students. I returned to school in my mid-thirties to get a Bachelors (now working on a Master's as I approach 40). It has helped me, as I find that I'm more focused and motivated than I was when I was 20. My kids (5 & 7) think that you just go to school your whole life.

the sad thing is, I doubt most of those students are chasing wealth, so much as a decent living.

This kind of predatory behaviour is the seamy side of the American Dream. "Everyone can better themselves through education!" Sounds like a great slogan until you realize that the people behind those welcoming smiles promising degrees which lead to wealth and happiness are nothing but grifters and hucksters who will

Okay, this is statistical, but in the U.S. if one in six women is raped in her lifetime, and rapists average six victims, then one in 34 men in the U.S. is a rapist. We all know a rapist. Probably several over our lifetimes. And I don't see 5,000,000 men in prison for rape.

Oh poor Erin. She was the one who Bill Cosby gave the National Inquirer a story about her drug addiction. I hope she found some peace in the years since.

So is this the daughter who stated she doesn't identify with black people because she went to a prep school and is rich or is this the daughter who was raped by Mike Tyson and Bill and Camille forced her not to report it to police?

"Just sayin" -Evin Cosby

The population at large aren't doing this to make a living. I can do carpentry at my own home on my own time with no safety protections. However, once I'm employed by a company and am getting paid, yes, OSHA would have plenty to say about an employer who said, "Eh, let them decide if they want to wear protective

Most workers in dangerous occupations do not work 6-10 hours straight, they get frequent breaks, and wear a bevy of safety gear. How is porn different?