
"You can look at her statement in two ways:

Or just let another woman feel however the fuck she wants to about her body without deciding she's right or wrong.


I've had a pretty tough year, and Vanderpump Rules is my go-to guilty pleasure for when I want a bit of a pick-me-up. Life has been pretty crappy lately, but at least I'm not a thirty-something whose main goal in life is to prove a server motor-boated someone's privates.

As someone who's so not an initiator, I want to say how much I appreciate my initiator friends. I always get anxious about asking someone to do stuff, or even going out when stuff is planned. So often my husband will tell me, "You'll have a great time! Go!" and of course I come home and say that, yes, it was awesome

Can we also add the always competing friend? Whether is bragging about something (country club membership) or obsessing over others' or their own Facebook pages (have to post every little thing they do with her kid) or pretending to be the perfect parent with the perfect child ("he has never done THAT before"), this

I think it really depends on the issues. None of the issues you mentioned are horrible problems like alcoholism, eating disorders, abusive relationships, etc. People are under enough pressure as it is to look "good" (whatever that means), to succeed in life by everyone else's standards and to date people that everyone

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know your friend can never be replaced, but I hope you find new friendships that are as wonderful in surprising ways.

How about the "We used to get high together in college and now that we are adults (and less high) I've discovered you are kind of an asshole and I don't much like you as a person" friendship? I've got one of those.

The childhood friend who was always kind of a hippy but as an adult is obsessed with anti-GMO organic everything, refuses to vaccinate her kids, and has projected her won disordered relationship with food into the conviction that her youngest's dubious health and behavioral problems are due to a metabolic disorder

a nice older lady with more money than a Republican senate campaign

It was the '90's. You're fine. Once you explained that, it all seemed reasonable.

You are my people.

I set a supervisor's coat on fire and woke up in the bed of one of the dudes from Vampire Weekend (he was on tour and not present).

Let me just say this now: I was only 22. I WAS YOUNG AND FOOLISH.

I worked for a hospital with a pretty successful heart program. One of the cardiovascular surgeons (in his 50s) would rent out a bar for the night every christmas and provide lots of drunk snacks and an open bar.

Sadly, my horror show, was just last year, at an age when I should know better. I was attending a very fancy company holiday party, for the company that I work for as a senior staff member in the entertainment industry. as well, I had rsvp'd to attend an early evening cocktail party, business related, beforehand.

Does it have to be a work holiday story?

The holiday parties at my former company were epic. An open bar, a free hotel room and 150 stressed out workers made for a drunken festival.