
The only reason she brought up this very personal issue in class was in response to other students saying that they felt pressured to vote how their parents wanted them to (what??!!)

I have long had a policy to not fuck with republicans, at all. Same reason: they clearly do not respect me as a human. I got no time for that!

Conservative students hosted an anti-BLM event on our campus last week that received local news coverage. One of my students spotted her boyfriend in attendance at the rally, and later told our class that she didn’t know he was a Trumper until then. (Ah, young love). She asked him about the laundry list of issues that

Going to go out on a limb and say the difference to him is that Trump is white but Obama is black.

OK, I guess I get it. Does he hate that the GOP and Bush got his friends in that ridiculous and pointless position first place? Prolly not, right?

People around the world already know of America’s hypocrisy when we lecture about freedom and fair elections. This debacle only makes us more of a global laughingstock. Hopefully the youngs are seeing what a travesty this is and not give up but strive to make things better.

Now I’m wondering how many folks didn’t get an absentee ballot and lack the funds to book a last-minute flight or the means to drive hundreds of miles to vote.

In an hour, I’m having a biopsy. Then I’ll be waiting for the results over the next 48 hours. I live in Pennsylvania, which won’t have completed election results for days. What I am wishing for, and swear is going to happen, is Biden takes Florida and Arizona, and we know our winner before I know my test results.

A Kardashian successfully looking like someone with overdone makeup, plastic surgery, depending on the boddy-oddy-oddy due to no other discernible talent, and airbrushed to the high heavens? Shocked. Shocked, I say.

I know where I was on election night 2016. I was on the phones until the last polls closed in the last place in the country. Hillary’s phone team leadership was having trouble getting enough people to keep calling voters, because y’all just thought she was going to win without work.

They really are the most gleefully violent people I have ever seen. And then I see their comments below a Trump rally video on YouTube: Commenters ‘shouting’ “Oh yes, he is the One promised to us, give him strength Oh Lord and fill him with your mighty righteous Vengeance!!!” Then a dozen other people reply with

Giving the waiter the benefit of a doubt, his mask could have shifted and he's carrying a cake so he can't readjust. He's not the person I'm bothered by here.

“Chrissy Teigen got a tattoo in memory of the son she lost in September.”

I had to drive through several hundred 45 supporters (they were lining the streets) on Friday, while heading up to my partner’s home. It’s so disgusting to see people gleefully celebrate supporting a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic gasbag.

After the incident with the Biden bus in Texas I dont think I'm being paranoid when I say I think we should be prepared for possible violence if Biden wins. I would not want to be at a cabin in the woods away from home if some shit goes down. 

You would think abolishing spitting on birthday cakes during a pandemic would be given. However, I t’s always made me ill just watching it. What a fucked up custom.

Absolutely: I’ve lived it with an emotionally abusive ex whom everyone thought was ‘the nicest guy in the world’ and couldn’t believe the stories I would tell them when we finally split. That said, I’m still stuck on the tapes of her admitting she hit him but gaslighting him in the same breath.

My observation of humanity is that someone can be fairly nice and cordial to everyone else in the world, but still treat their significant other like complete garbage.

It’s getting quite ridiculous now, all these glowing reviews of his personality from his paid staff about what a kind man he is and one who was perfectly able to handle his drink and drugs when many of them had to clean up the houses he left in a complete state and the video evidence of him being an angry acting out

why are people currently getting their paycheck from the accused (edit: I guess in this case it’s the plaintiff? ) person allowed to give an opinion on character at all ? Seems like just a minor conflict of interest there...