
Wow, this was more informative, interesting, and well written than the original article! Thank you

My take as well. 

Women aren’t possessions you are “lucky to have” either... ?

Watched the video twice. Her sister is screaming in their face and threatens to sexually assault one woman. I HATE trump but see nothing in this video that makes the sister look like a victim. She is losing her mind at these people mostly standing around, one of whom is wearing a MAGA hat. I don’t know why anyone

That is sad. I’m almost 36 and have been bulimic since I was 13. It always feels weird that concerned comments only come when I’m a size 0-2, and not a 4-6, even though my behaviors with food are the same as they have been for over 20 years. It’s problematic that so many only view it as an actual problem when one is un

That definitely been my takeaway! :( 

?? You pee in it just like one does in a one piece swimsuit- you pull the crotch far to the side, and pee.

Erm.... I’m into it, and too shy to say so for fear of seeming like a damaged psycho. I just say beforehand that I’m into power play, then get extra breathy/moan-y the closer he gets to my neck. I’ve never asked outright, just let the crazy intense orgasms I have as some pressure is applied do the telling for me. The

Wow. This was a lot of unrelated complaining.

He’s mentally ill. That’s the explanation. Hopefully you were able to manage your anxiety while waiting for this reply.

Oh god... this one. I was 19 or 20, drunk at a house party. About 20 of us were in the garage when I noticed two thin ropes dangling from a ceiling bean about waist high. Feeling invincible and like this was MY MOMENT!!!!, I grabbed a rope and each hand and shouted, “hey! Look what I can do!” as I kicked up like an

Are you her? Is it your marriage? No? Okay then.

What’s appalling is outsiders assuming thry know what his wife and relatives are or are not doing. Also, maybe don’t put the onus on them? He’s a grown man who reportedly has refused many forms of treatment, including medication. You cannot force someone to comply with mental health treatment, even if they are your

I don’t understand how you went from “more than $15,000/month” to only 2,400/mo (“$600/week”) income. How many kids are you watching at the day care for a total of just $600/week?? Surely it can’t be more than 2 for such a little amount? How is that so difficult? It just isn’t making sense how you are so overwhelmed

Pretty sure that daycare charging your friend while closed due to this global pandemic in order to “hold” the kid’s spot is price gouging and your friend should absolutely look into legal rights there. It seems very, very not okay.

Uh, she acknowledges her good fortune and the disgrace of limited testing, then donated a million dollars to the cause so more people could also have access to tests. If you had loads of money and showed symptoms I’m sure you’d get tested too, and your righteous negativity makes it highly doubtful you’d be as charitabl

You are so rooted in your homophobia you can’t see it for what it is. You have managed to come across here as a raging homophobe with only two comments on the profile you created just to scream about this. You are a homophobe! If you weren’t, you wouldn’t care what he did sexually before you (so long as it was legal

Yikes. You seem fun.

Omg I’m crying for little you. I am so, so sorry.

My mom’s dad died on her birthday, and exactly nine years later her mother died on her birthday too. BOTH of her parents died on her birthday. I cannot even imagine. My aunt got the news about their mother dying first, and was so tempted To fudge the date of death to my mom, but it happened at like 8am and there was