Lala11_7 (I will think twice, before NOT playing nice!)

How we treat the incarcerated reflects on us, not them.

ROTJ was a good movie, but the one weakness wasn’t the Ewoks. It was Han Solo. The scoundrel in him died after the carbon freeze. He became a much more kid-friendly character.

“Lincoln Chafee, a gentle, smiling bird you’d rather not be killing for dinner but you have to, that’s nature”

And they are welcome to think that. The originals are by no means flawless, but I think the quality differences between the prequels and the originals are pretty obvious. YMMV.

Pretty sure even in 1980 they knew another film was coming out.

I love you so much right now that there is an actual tear in my eye.

... because it’d be horrible beyond imagining to learn that the most evil being known to humanity was your dad, and that’d be an interesting thing for the hero to have to integrate?

What is Sauron’s character “arc”? What is Bill Sikes’s internal struggle? Where does The Joker’s villainy originate in his childhood? What is the source of Judge Holden’s emotional pain? How is Iago redeemed? What’s eating away at Hannibal Lecter’s self esteem? How did the Wicked Witch of the West feel about her

A quick drive that goes nowhere and ends in disaster? That sounds like the Seahawks offense to me.

The idea that Darth Vader has, or needs to have, an “arc” is silly. It’s space opera; the entire appeal of it is the clash between elemental good and evil. He’s the towering, terrifying embodiment of death. He can be either defeated or not defeated. Let the protagonists have arcs.

That is the precise thing that makes it terrible. Giving Darth Vader a core of pure goodness was an unforgivably stupid narrative choice.

“I am not 15 years old,” she says. “Kevin Johnson can kiss my black ass.”

I would pay good money to watch someone try to put a thundershirt on a cat.

Terry Pratchett was a treasure and I’m sad he’s gone. I’m just going to sit in the corner and remember his wisdom.

Any worse than having Nicki Minaj at a Bar Mitzvah?

After a convicted murderer passes through your program, you kinda have to start paying some attention.

Pick one of the following statements from the University of Florida Athletic Director that applies:

Substitute “believing” for “understanding” in the old Upton Sinclair quote:

I’ve always wondered in these situations, who are these people standing next to him smiling? “Yes” men? Leaches with a horse shit moral compass?? Or are they truly clueless assbags?