
Phillip Schofield is a wanker!

You know for some people, "sucking an ungodly amount of cock" would mean they're straight, not gay.

Do not avoid eating herring sandwiches. They are the best.

We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little.

I love this movie. It's just perfect.

Nor as titillating as Rochelle, Rochelle.

That has to be better than the Serial Serial.

Well, I mostly agree with you. But I think at least his own attorney should have recognized that the alternative possibility that Jay did it is not as impossible as many people seem to think it is.

The Dutch resistance must have failed, if Carice changed her name to Von Houten.

And I used to think Adnan was definitely guilty… But then I had to go and speculate about alternatives.

Sure, that's completely plausible. And Adnan is a more likely suspect than Jay.

I just think there are two theories that are both plausible, though not equally likely. It's more likely that Adnan did it, but if I look at a scenario where Jay did it, I find it impossible to disprove, even if it seems a lot less likely.

I don't know, if the prosecutor really wants to question eighty people one by one, I'd say let him. After a few weeks he might have discredited every one of them, but I'd still expect the jury to start having some doubts by then.

I had to look it up, but these are the 4 calls while Adnan may or may not have been at the mosque:

No, the cell records show that his PHONE was not at the mosque. And 80 people are saying that he probably was. It's almost like he lent his phone to somebody else occasionally!

Jay could have driven him to the mosque straight from Cathy's, and took the car and the phone again. Sure Adnan doesn't remember it, but witnesses saw them at Cathy's, witnesses saw him at the mosque. Could have lent the car and phone to Jay again, even if he doesn't remember. He was pretty high at Cathy's, after all.

No. I'm doing this from memory (and looking at the call log), so correct me if I'm wrong, but:
The police called at 6:24. The call lasted 4:15 minutes. They were at Cathy's at that time, I think Cathy even confirmed that Adnan got the call from the police while they were at her place.
Mosque was from 7 to 9 (I think).

Eighty witnesses didn't just say "whoops" and back down. Gutierrez declined to use them. The only "evidence" is that the cell phone pinged in Leakin Park.

The interview with the prosecutor is making me pretty angry. There were EIGHTY witnesses that Adnan was at the mosque? But the defense did not call them because hey, his phone was in Leakin Park, and nobody could imagine that he might have lent his phone to Jay again? Holy crap.

"An old girlfriend made me listen to their album and I wanted to strangle them."