
There's a Scooby Doo version of The Nutcracker?

Oh that wasn't aimed at you, don't mind my passive aggression.

Lower than just quoting other people? Come on.

Wait a minute - "Holiday" Special? Did Han Solo fire the first shot in the War on Christmas?

Talk about his girlfriend? Why, what shows has she been on?

Yeah, but I'm talking about the scenario where Adnan is completely innocent. One of the commenters in that link (RichTea88) has a detailed timeline that seems credible to me. Basically, whenever Jay has the phone (and the car), he's calling and getting called by Jenn, trying to get rid of a body while Adnan is at

But wasn't the porn store thing on another day anyway? And couldn't Adnan just have forgotten that he saw Jay before track practice? Or just be lying to distance himself from Jay at that time?

Could someone remind me why Adnan couldn't have made the Nisha call? Couldn't Jay and Adnan have hung out between school and track practice to smoke some weed together? I know Adnan doesn't remember it that way, but that doesn't say much.

Just watched the first episode, and it feels like a mix of Mighty Boosh and
Flight of the Conchords. "Munustry of Difunse" feels like Murray could
walk in any minute to take attendance.

"But I’m running your letter, OSW, and inviting women—stick a cork in it, menz—to jump into the comment thread and share your stories about men who’ve done the right thing."