LA Julian

If you have any standards at all, it's really hard to do something "badly" and not have it be obviously a Poe. (It's also a problem with forgery, not letting your own personal style creep in, but it's particularly hard to do something that looks like you don't know what you're doing — think Buster Keaton looking

Also they don't have to pay anyone else for the rights. Thus we get terrible live action fairy tale movies like Beanstalk and Huntsman and Pan, too.

That's what they want you to think. He's the clone that was placed as a control, in a test of DNA vs nurture. Think Firestarter or Omen or Maximum Ride.

Fails harder than bombing! Think craters the size of peninsulas, that would destroy anyone else's career AND whoever hired them/greenlighted the project.

If you don't like it, why are you dedicating your energy to it? Okay, they're paying you to make hatefic. But then, if the writer doesn't like it, why do you, the producers, think they will do a good job with it? Occasionally the process manages to make a lot of money, but the $$$ win/loss ratio is so bad, for all the

Just like Victor Frankenstein!

Don't forget that this came up in the course of him talking about his adaptation of Dirk Gently AND his reboot of Power Rangers!

Well, it's only hard to break in if you aren't a white guy, and better yet a white guy whose father was big in the business, or the best mate of one. You don't have to have any portfolio of completed/relevant work at all, in that case, like the guy who got the Lumberjanes gig, and you can go on to create garbage fire

Given the incoherent messes he's made so far of his adaptations, I think that's probably overly optimistic, even though you're being sarcastic. I expect it's going to make Warriors of Virtue look like Seven Samurai.

Honestly I'm more horrified that he's getting to do Dirk Gently AND Power Rangers, after having done one mediocre science fiction film that was vastly overpraised, two terrible ones that were also financial as well as critical failures, and a boatload of preening self-promotion. Hollywood's a meritocracy, oh yes

There is no training that would allow his character to do what he did. It would be more realistic and sciency if he were a mutant or touched by the Blue Ooze of Superpowerdom.

He's a Max Landis fanboy, and cannot bear anyone cocking a snook at his idol.

I never said I was American, and I never even said that I had a job right now.

There's also the icky xenophobic aspect of externalizing America's rape culture onto foreigners. It can be two things!

Oh stop with the projecting. We both know what you're doing.

Right, she didn't have the Owens taking care of her on the family farm - of COURSE she's going to be more resourceful than Luke was in his first venture outside the nest!

Empire is the 2nd in the original trilogy…Luke did NOT get his ass kicked in his first appearance.

No, ook! 'Book' is 'ook,' with a completely different inflection.

I wonder if he will try to claim it's "original" too?

People have been pointing that out as well.