LA Julian

Does 'up and running' mean 'we installed the bloody thing and turned it on, now what?' or 'actually fully operation'?

And if you take too many terrible roles, you end up not being a working actor either…

People who go hiking the PCT unprepared and don't heed the rangers' warnings because some parts are simply impassable at certain times of the year, or under certain weather conditions. If they're lucky, they get Medevac. If not, a coffin. The author of Wild at least was quite clear on how stupid she'd been to go

What really irritates me is that Pledge was a remake of an obscure European film, which left out everything that made the original tick, AND they sold it as if it were a Sean Penn original, without acknowledging the debt at all.

No, Valerian is more like Aragorn and Laureline, Jean Grey.

Real jellyfish only have the one orifice. It's kind of a thing with that type of sea creature.

It sounds like Fifth Element with a bigger budget and no brakes - what happens when a creator gets big enough to be able to 'just say no' to editors.

Especially since he ordered them to go harass Capito & the other R holdouts… Junior Troll Army, anyone?

Did you see the story about millionaire Spicer stealing his staffers' breakroom mini-fridge? Because Fuck you, ya bunch of serfs, that's why…and then they wonder where all the leaks were coming from!!

Taking down the WH solar panels that Carter had put up, as a way to flip the bird at 'liberalism'…

Oh, it was known. There are BBC articles about the genocide long before the camps were liberated. And torture and assassinations of political dissidents was so common, and so public, even before 1939 that Sinclair Lewis put it in his 1935 projection of how fascism would play out according to American cultural mores.

Mayans, too.

When it gets bad enough, your wealth won't matter. There were plenty of people who were too 'good' to unify against RW fanaticism in the 1920s, too.

Apparently there was a proper speech written, and as is not unusual for him, he abandoned it to do his usual free-association ranting.

His NYT interview from last week is equally terrifying. Every interview he gives is Kaiser Wilhelm's Telegraph interview.

He is Emmanuel Goldstein.

It's barrel-bottoms all the way down…

So you admit that you only follow Cleek's Law. Awesome.

The pearl-clutching defender of the man who ad libbed anecdotes about cocaine orgies on yachts to a bunch of kids - what a MODEL of decorum!

Telling children stories about coke-fuelled orgies on yachts is SO dignified and heroic.