He also said that the BSA is about 'America First' - yes, literally - & apparently doesn't know anything about the international aspect of scouting.
He also said that the BSA is about 'America First' - yes, literally - & apparently doesn't know anything about the international aspect of scouting.
You may be interested to know that the current president of BSA is also the president of ATT & is hoping for federal approval of his merger.
Ah. You know, I never thought of the Ringwraith explanation for Tom Cruise…
The international media is TRASHING this - so far the reviews from India and Spanish-language papers are hilariously scathing.
A couch at home is much, much cheaper. There are such things as light switches!
It didn't 'fall through' so much as Universal dropped it bc they thought they couldn't sell another monster movie in world where Prometheus existed, so they hired one of the Prometheus scriptwriter hacks to make … another monster movie, because Prometheus was such a stunningly brilliant success.
O'Bannon a great writer, makes all the difference.
Oh, so it isn't the one with descendants of famous aristocratic French lamia are running a modern Swiss health spa? I definitely remember reading a dark fantasy novel some years ago with that premise.
For years, I've wondered what it's supposed to be. Not enough to actually find out though - more like 'Oh that dude with the weird name again' whenever he got mentioned on a site I was reading, as though his media commentary was something important.
Except they HATE it when we turn it back on them. How DARE we hurt their fragile feelings, being all intolerant of their intolerance?
Right, as if abusers don't always try to wiggle out when called on their shit by bleating 'It's just a JOKE! Don't you have a sense of humour? Waaah, you're so mean, why won't you tolerate my intolerance!?'
He reminds me of the college students who thought it was the height of edginess to change the logins on all the machines in the Computer Lab to 'Hitler' and '3rdReich' in the Nineties.
For me it was even weirder - Wait, PewDiePie is still a thing!? bc his videos were such hot garbage even among the dumpster fire of gaming videos back when he first got popular, and I missed the bit about him getting picked up by Disney in the larger dumpster fire of world politics, so I was shocked to hear he was…
Heinlein did that one, as a YA novel, I believe.
It's Spaihts. This is his Prometheus script redo, with all the extraneous stuff about aliens and wars tossed aside for the REALLY important aspect of Lonely Dude Pervs On Hawt Nerd-Girl IN SPAAACE!!
It's the same as Spaihts' original Prometheus script - sleepless lonely spaceship bro skeeving on sleeping intellectual female passenger, getting to perv on her and victimize her because Plot. This is what passes for 'deep' and 'cerebral' in Brollywood.
This is the EXACT same creep factor that was already in Spaihts' original script for Prometheus, only dialed up to 15 and made the whole plot of the movie, explicitly. Can we just not Spaihts any more?
That story is just so much horrible — the poor princess doesn't do anything that can remotely be considered wrong (unlike the Red Shoes), AND she's the child of a horrible rape-kidnapping which is never given justice, either.
You're thinking Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady, there. In that case, the solution is for him to let her pick, whether she wants to be ugly in private and beautiful in public, or beautiful for him alone, and it's a test for him, not her.
You can even mix it with Jackaroe and have the heroine running away to save her lover from The Wars, with a side of Rapunzel Triumphant as the Spindle Fae, as Tolkien did in the Silmarillion…