Lots of people have them. I'm sorry you don't.
Lots of people have them. I'm sorry you don't.
That's what YOU think! You probably didn't think there was enough material for a Minions movie, either! Or Pixels…
And 5. Thinks his rip-off of Bourne Identity mashed up with an Apatow stoner comedy is "original" and the popular rejection of it is a sign of the Death of Art in Hollywood…
So if she's so mean, why does he beg and bully her to follow him back? Why is he entitled to her attention? BECAUSE HE'S FREAKING PEPE LE PEW IN REAL LIFE.
No, I really don't want to have everyone pointing and laughing at me for saying ridiculously stupid and overblown things, and then having my "original" adaptations/mashups get absolutely flayed for being hacky garbage fires. I'd rather get payed for an honest day's work and indulge my hobbies on the side and be…
Well, and apparently it wasn't supposed to be a completely ridiculous parody of the genres — Landis whined worse than Alex Proyas that the failure of his What-if-Jason-Bourne-was-a-stoner comedy meant the ultimate rejection of Originality in Hollywood!
Right, we all wish we could write something as brilliant, critically lauded, and financially successful as Victor Frankenstein, or American Ultra…
Well, there's the story that Outhousers ties it to, which is that he wouldn't stop badgering Lexi Alexander to unblock him on Twitter after she'd blocked him for his sexism, which sort of says it all. There's the way that he boasted about how awesome his Frankenstein would be, while deriding Mary Shelley's original as…
My guess is that his father has huge files of scandals on everyone who was anything in Hollywood in the 70's and so they don't dare say no to anything his little boy wants, no matter how terribad it looks or how many previous projects he's Chicxulubed into the ground with other people's money.
There are plenty of Native Americans who do give a shit, and have written at length about it. You don't get to decide that for them either.
If you read what he has said in the past (on pretty much any subject!), you won't. He's the most entitled, arrogant, take-no-responsibilities, bullying, sexist little brat you can imagine - the Martin Shkreli of comics, except he keeps getting rewarded for his failures, almost like he was some rich well-connected…
American Ultra. And he defended both of them as The Awesomest before they tanked. And derided Mary Shelley's original.
Actually, he's Martin Shkreli's alter ego.
I think that's meant to be the answer to "Why is WB hiring Max Landis to write a Pepe Le Pew movie in 2016?" or possibly "Why is anyone hiring Max Landis to do anything, after Victor Frankenstein cratered like Chicxulub?"
He and Martin Shkreli are both failed attempts at cloning the Uberbro.
Douches of Nepotism is the name of the band that Landis performs in, along with Martin Shkreli and the Trump brothers.
Don't forget, 4. Whines and moans and blames everyone else in the world after his trashbin fire version of Frankenstein tanks, after he mocked Mary Shelley's original, and yet inexplicably keeps getting work…
When I saw this on Outhousers this morning, I thought it was one of their jokes at first.
"Daughter of Zeus" didn't make me feel better.
He was one of the screenwriters. Brian "Yay Patriarchy!" Azzarello was the other one.