The king who was assassinated by a rebel who stabbed him on the toilet, too.
The king who was assassinated by a rebel who stabbed him on the toilet, too.
But Jesus is the Bread of Life! It's a double pun!
It's also true in another retcon: Jezebel in the actual scriptures was considered wicked because she was 1) a pagan 2) convinced her husband Ahab to stray from the "true faith" 3) abused her power or at least was reported to do so, in shady real estate deals, to benefit the royal family.
Actually they should all have been speaking Koine (Greek) which was the lingua franca of the post-Alexander Mediterranean. Gibson wasn't at all concerned with historical accuracy, or he would have had the Apostles reclining at table as they were shown in early Christian depictions, and as was the custom in Magna…
Ten Commandments' lasting resonance has a lot to do with it being about Civil Rights and the Cold War in a way that was palatable to middle-class white American audiences who wouldn't stand to be directly preached at but yet were uncomfortable with the awareness that discrimination undercut "The Good Guys" status and…
No, they don't. There are LOTS of Christians who justify it, either because they do believe in witches, and the actual manifestation of the Devil, or because they think that the good intentions of the witch hunters, who were doing the best they could with the science of their day, were honestly trying to protect…
I breathlessly await the mass justification of the next Bayhemesque demonization of all swarthy unChristian foreigners as lustful bloodthirsty monsters who want to kidnap "our" women and burn down western civilization, as irrelevant because fiction.
No, they're going to think, "See, everyone who laughs at 'commies under the bed/godless feminists slaughtering helpless unborn babies/Islamic terrorists being a greater threat than global warming' are fools! This parable speaks for us!"
You do understand about allegory and couching modern events in historical terms, yes? You have heard of Shakespeare, and The Crucible, no? You understand that Spartacus was about the Sixties, not about ancient Rome, the way that 2001 was about the Sixties, not about a time that had not yet even happened, right?
You can't pretend that "just in the vicinity of Salem" doesn't mean that it is very much about Salem, unless you are utterly ignorant of all the history encompassed by the term "Salem." Also what "witch hunts" mean in the 21st century.
Propaganda is a thing, you know.
You can grow a lot of bright dye colours in the north. Onions make a lovely range of warm gold to burnt orange, for instance.
There has been a long-standing controversy over restorations and recreations of old art and architecture, using the original unfaded, not-dimmed-by-smoke colours of the historical past. Basically, since they don't conform to people's mistaken impressions, they're wrong. (I wonder if the film's creators bothered to…
Best one to date is Pan's Labyrinth, imo.
Is there any mention of the Wampanoag in it? Because a movie about Pilgrims and witches that leaves out the business of King Phillip's War is utterly dishonest.
His username is that of a famous literary rapist.
Google the history of "Kill them all, God will sort them out" — Catholic warrior bishop persecuting early mediaeval heretics.
Just like Torquemada, thinking that heretics and apostates were destroying society and deserved to be burned — you really can't consider the witch hunts apart from the centuries of "kill the unbelieving outsider who is usually foreign and/or female and makes us feel threatened" against the Jews, the…
The argument is that allegorically they weren't wrong, there really was [is] an "existential danger" to civilization/the family/humanity itself from witches[communists/non-Christians/liberated women/terrorists] and therefore anything we do to protect ourselves from them is justified.
It counts if it's the source of the main character's angst and tortured soul-ness, too. Like Victor Frankenstein & Point Break's fridged dead brothers, who are only there to give the main character a Tragic Backstory but cannot be avenged because there's no one except Chance or Physics to blame, or possibly the hero…