American sex ed is in a dismal state.
Actually I read an interesting account of how, before condoms became affordable, in working class Britain it was the mark of being a skilled and considerate lover to be good at pulling out, so that your girlfriend/wife/one-night-stand didn't have to worry about her life — a decent chap should be willing to forgo that…
Dark Journey. Spooky early Vivian Leigh starring vehicle where she's a double-agent fashion designer in neutral Sweden during WWI who has a doomed triangle romance with, on the one side, the chilly but magnetic Prussian officer played by Conrad Veidt, and on the other the one-armed British veteran who manages to have…
Personally I think Waterworld beats Postman for badness on a couple of axes, but when you can't make your sequel even exist in the same narrative universe as the original, you should just pack it in and stop telling stories.
Samhain Night Fever!
It wasn't DTV. It was a full-on cinema release, with GLORIOUS flying sequences and a raucously funny George C. Scott as the gleefully evil villain, and it always infuriated me that Disney never marketed it properly nor made any attempt to merchandise it. I wanted a Giant Eagle figurine, dammit!
It's like they went out of their way to target and obliterate everything that was good and fun about the first movie!
It got worse.
I first heard about Deadpool from a teenage fan before Tumblr even existed.
No, don't feel sorry for David Goyer. He wrought the whole wretched mess from his hubris and paucity of imagination and did I mention hubris? and walked away without a scratch — people continued to hand him plum writing gigs and even let him direct again, despite tanking his own franchise in a way that only Akiva…
The problem has been noted, with regard to Holy Wood and superhero stories:
This is merely a subset of a general fandom problem — "they desperately crave critical validation of their tastes and come down like the wrath of God on any reviewer who gives less than the Congressional Medal of Honour to Generic Property #12" covers everything from Batfan's death threats to the reviewer who broke…
"Pass the Pitch: The Surgeon-Barber Chronicles"
Well, there's being pro-money, and "Why yes, Mr. Sinister Stranger Just Met By Moonlight At The Crossroads, I will gladly sign your contract for a gazillion bucks interest free to enjoy for so long as I live, in return for my eternal soul! What could possibly go wrong there?"
And to Murdoch of all people! Anti-science, anti-culture, anti-history, anti-everything-they-stood-for, in the past. What happened there in recent years, to make that even possible?
Also the gaslighting. And the creepy drunk housemaid. And EVERYBODY being predatory and awful, even the nicer ones, in their own way. "Run far away, Jane!" is what one feels like shouting at her, as if it were a movie…
Maybe this will keep him too busy to help Rupert Murdoch fuck up National Geographic even further by producing more of Bill O'Reilly's "history" schlockfests…
He was clearly talking about that manslut Henry, the First Protestant, though.