LA Julian

Now I want Wonder Woman meets Lord Peter Wimsey crossover fic.

Invisible Wings

There were long-range bombers by the end of the War. Frightening-looking things that didn't seem as though they could hold together under their own weight, being wood and canvas carrying artillery — but were almost as sturdy as old-time sailing ships, fulfilling the same function for the superpowers of Europe as in

Exactly — what would be news would have been some explanation as to WHY they lost a I off her origin story. (I mean, besides "Well, it would look like we were ripping off Captain America: The First Avenger, if we followed the books" honesty…)

Yes, amid allegations of drunkenness and other inappropriate behaviour — yet to be seen if it escapes other similarities to FF4 as a result of directorial drama…

Oregon Trail!

What ho, what ho, what ho!

They weren't in the Jeremy Brett version…

I can't IMAGINE why people would think that a show based upon the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective, would be a crime show.

I think that the problems with the show, and the long delays, have caused the remaining fans to go into a protective huddle, like musk oxen surrounding their babies, instead of being able to accept that the show they like has a lot of problems and dealing with it the way that Buffy and Xena and Trek and Teen Wolf fans

It could have been fun to update it but otherwise leave it exactly the same — two good-hearted tech-savvy chaps who grow from being agreeable roomies to caring profoundly for each other even if one is asexual and the other straight, helping people with mysteries the cops think are trivial or unimportant, both of them

Yes, and in Thor Bridge there is the fascinating bit where the victim declares that yes, she knows her Yank boyfriend is a selfish, using jerk of a capitalist even if he's sweet to her — But she can Redeem him! And be the power behind the throne to help him use his powers for good! And Holmes is all "Good luck with

Oh, for starters — Marital rape still legal in lots of places, unequal pay, rape being unprosecuted more often than not, abortion bans and effectively banned, real but undocumented job discrimination, sexual harassment treated as a joke, and the ignorant refusal to do anything to help by "Dear Muslima" jackasses like

It has been nice, not hearing Tories blithering on about being the Keepers of National Virtue for a few months, hasn't it?

Have you noticed that the Tories have gone very, very quiet about being the Moral Guardians of the Nation? Can't imagine why that would be…

Can't this be said of EVERYTHING on, though?

Me, I'm always worried about the monstrous demi-god prince with the horns…

Then there's Thor Bridge, which is just people being all kinds of fucked up to each other, and one of them is a woman, but the greatest share of blame comes down to, equally, Sexist Society and The Rich Entitled Dude Who Uses His Privilege To Take Advantage Of Women Who Depend On Him… and don't forget Holmes' foray

There are a TON of good stories by ACD that aren't Holmes, but be warned, many of them will cause you sleepless nights! There are medical mysteries, murder/suspense thrillers in the manner of Poe, and foreshadowings of Lovecraft complete with Jules Verne Easter Eggs! Yes, I do love "The Horror of the Heights" and "The

Or another feeble nod to canon — remember that the REAL Irene Adler successfully disguised herself as a young man to throw Holmes off her trail, while Holmes himself frequently disguised himself as all sorts of people, male or female, while hunting for evidence.