Actually, Irene Adler did successfully pass as a young man, in her canon story. And Holmes frequently disguised himself as other people, including women, when out shadowing suspects or gathering evidence, much to Watson's amusement.
Actually, Irene Adler did successfully pass as a young man, in her canon story. And Holmes frequently disguised himself as other people, including women, when out shadowing suspects or gathering evidence, much to Watson's amusement.
Kind of ripped off from the first Guy Ritchie Holmes movie, too.
…of a Mystic Prune!!!
is only sharp with someone when they withhold information or are being particularly obtuse.
See also NuWho's increasingly-cavalier plot holes and erratic characterization…
ACD had stories about women fighting sexual harassment, always on the side of the women against their harassers, Holmes stories and otherwise. He had stories about women doctors fighting the sexist medical establishment — and winning. He wrote one in which a woman defeated Holmes, was never sexually interested in him,…
Conan Doyle did use secret twins, though: "The Story of the Black Doctor of Bishop's Crossing," which is partly about an immigrant overcoming rural British prejudice, and partly about the radically different paths someone from a privileged background can choose to take in life.
Yosemite Sam…
There is not a lot of action in Seven Samurai, compared to the running time. Lots and lots of people talking politics and society, lots of shots of the scenery, and then the brief explosion of violence, the flurry of swords or the firing of the mortar, and then more talking and waiting and romance, until the next time.
See also: The Maltese Falcon, for a straight version of this!
Good lord. It's like someone trying to fix Brightness & Contrast in Photoshop, without ever using the Levels Slider! And this is a commercial product? "We can make your whole film look like an undergraduate design student batch-applied a single Contrast Filter to every frame!"
Well, reality does get pretty orange-and-teal at sunset, especially on the beach, but for some reason the orange-and-teal grading never comes near approaching the lucious tangerine-and-aqua tones that fill the atmosphere when the sun goes down over the sea.
They're the producers from Night Vale, or perhaps The Auditors, and "fun" is not within their eldritch comprehension!
We did have the internet then, though — we complained via plain text, on newsgroup and BBS, but we did warn each other away from bad movies and towards ones that might be enjoyable.
They need to be made with clear nylon wings, so it looks like guys in wetsuits are miraculously zipping through the sky, like superheroes…
Sometimes that does work, as with The Maltese Falcon!
Don't forget, this was the Year of the Poltergeist Remake, too!
They're never going to make At The Mountains Of Madness, sorry.
And de Gaulle!
Oh come! It's only Hollywood fictions that make us think Eleanor of Aquitaine lived to be seventy and looked like Katharine Hepburn when she was fifty — well, we don't really know what she looked like since realistic portraiture hadn't come back into style yet, but we do know the first part of it, along with her…