I remember when A&E broadcast classic films and seventeenth century French playwrights and high quality British children's television series, and I lament both their loss of quality and my youth…
I remember when A&E broadcast classic films and seventeenth century French playwrights and high quality British children's television series, and I lament both their loss of quality and my youth…
Sometimes all you want is a burger, a shake, and some greasy fried potatoes…
Kickstarter to fund rescue mission! Should he stay or not? Vote by clicking Y/N now!
The sort of people willing to take a one-way trip to Mars are, by definition, not going to be the sort of people fit for a NASA mission. So that isn't going to work.
Some of Heroes problem was Jeph Loeb, don't forget. Now that he's out, we can see how much was Loeb (based in part on what he did to the Ultimates universe) and how much is Kring.
"Hunting down the mutants" is such a stock plotline by this point, there really is no excuse not to get it right. It's like flubbing your Sinister Orwellian Dystopia scenario.
With a name like Kring, he almost has to be a comic book villain. Except his powers are Annoying People With Shaggy Dog Stories, and Convincing Networks To Pay Him To Annoy People With Shaggy Dog Stories…
See also: Iron Man 3, Extremis…
Shame, and an expensive addiction!
That's…actually the opposite of what TheGuyinthe3rdRow said…
No, it's really kind of funny to track it — I've gotten a bit obsessed with all the bizarre shenanigans and attempts at retconning that both Hollywood and the "serious" entertainment press pull, not to mention the plural standards and how some people can fail and fail and fail and only be given bigger chances to fail,…
It was foreshadowed by the way he handled the character of Ra in Stargate — it was hard for me to believe that Emmerich WAS gay himself, when I first heard that, given how he coded his villain as femme and a "depraved bisexual"…
There are some doozies out there now, like this semi-positive one:
It's a Harvey Weinstein project. Don't expect anything about it to make logical or financial sense.
Depending on whether or not the powers that be like the creators involved. Sometimes not even tripling the budget in gross sales counts as a success, sometimes barely breaking even in the gross profits counts (not gross sales: that's profits after production, but before advertising and distribution and theatre…
There is also a grim humour in rich people complaining to the radio that they can't get good ANY help nowadays because all the blue-collar workers have been priced so far away that they can't even afford to drive to clean their houses, rake their yards, etc.
No, the coffee hasn't been good there for over twenty years, unless it's changed a lot in recent years.
You seem to have avoided any progressive discussions of Caitlyn Jenner, since there has been a ton of criticism of her conservative classism and the cluelessness born of wealth and privilege she has repeatedly displayed. On Disqus, even.
Also young fogie-wannabes who think they're "edgy" and "hip" for repeating tired old slurs and stereotypes, okay? Happy now? You're not left out either!