LA Julian

Yeah, not so much. If Roth wanted to show 21st century cannibals as a danger to travellers he should have had urban white people as the perpetrators, like that case in Germany. Even in Brazil, the only present-day cannibals are city-dwelling Sweeney Todd types, as you'd know if you were the least bit interested in

There is nothing that is not creepy about an Adam Sandler film, even one that's supposed to be a heartwarming family comedy for the kiddies…

Not in Buffy — sterile, but not impotent.

Oh hey, there's another prim-mouthed Roth cheerleader in the BMD article comments, praising a racist sexist gorn movie about cannibals who daren't say "fucking"!

"This is the very best trashy, low-budget torture-porn exploitation movie currently in theatres."

He really needs to get away from Sony. I think "something good" and "Sony" are in pole-antipole territory now. Let me check…

I think that came out of people pointing out that there was no reason Buffy shouldn't be worrying about pregnancy as much as Evil Ex, and he said in an interview something like "He's 200 years old! Of course he's shooting blanks!" and then that turned into the subsequent Miracle Baby plotline (which of course IN NO

He's being "edgy" and doing "ironic" racism which is somehow indistinguishable from Original Flavour HP Lovecraft racism — how many fedoras do you think the man owns? (Freudian typo, I initially typed "Lovecrap" there…)

Another review I read makes that exact comparison.

Christopher Golden!

Well, some recent vampire novels had them infertile — Twilight, which is why Renesmee was Just So Special (and before that Barbara Hambly's science-based vampires as victims of a virus were sterile and replaced sex drive with lust for killing.) There may be others — I think Joss Whedon said that his vampires were

You know what this reminds me of? No Escape, and that jagoff Dowdle saying that he was justified in making it because he'd been in Thailand during protests in which no Westerners were targeted and only a couple were even swept up in the general melees and he was really scared then so he wanted to make a movie about

He defended it in the media by citing Gamergaters as persecuted victims and got Breitbart to promote it.

Oh Cybele, I'd managed to forget about that bit of gibbering idiocy — the one with sentient plants that behave like parrots, right?

"You're SO uncivil!"

That's why it can be so hard to figure out if something is just artlessly sincere, and really bad at it, or completely cynical and parodying sincerity, without other context.

But is that Snyder or his cameraman (or the pre-viz art team)?

Yes, but if it only cost one dickload, that isn't very much in real money. You go broke trying to survive on that, you've dickled and dimed your company to death!

See also: Monster High with the cute teenage kids of classic movie monsters in a High School AU (no, of course there is no original concept here, it's an Adam Sandler project…)