LA Julian

Some of that actually happened! It gets mentioned as a casual aside in the Federalist Papers, as part of "Just look at the news, of course we need a proper national government!" But American schools leave out most internal conflict aside from the Civil War…

Supposedly she's 118…

Sorry, you can check out but you can never leave.


Or classist snobbery.

The strange thing is, you can almost pinpoint the moment when Michael Bay became "Michael BAYHEM" about 3/4 of the way through The Island. Before that point, it was a sleek, slight, chilly, Apple-aesthetic update of dystopian tyrannical conspiratorial films like Logan's Run, Soylent Green and Gattaca — and then

It's like the demand that we support women directors and movies targeting female audiences even when it means praising and paying for FSOG and Jupiter Ascending. Fuck that Zhdanovist bullshit, I say — all that does is tell them that we'll swallow any crap if they pinkwash it!

Only poor women lacked access to that in the bad old days she longs for — rich women could always find an obliging and respectable specialist in women's complaints to assist them with a small problem for a large fee…

LOL, but far too many of them are! (This really does explain Fantastic Four, doesn't it?)

Except he was, by his own words — replacing the real actors in history with a straight-passing white Midwestern guy made it more accessible according to him because audiences would be more easily able to identify with a fake character more like Emmerich himself…

The same ones who bankrolled Supersize Me, Winter's Bone, Maggie, and Mr. Holmes, amid other equally eclectic array of titles:

But Roadside Attractions bankrolled its wide release, so there's more than just him.

It was called "physical culture" rather than "fitness" back then (snerk), but all those old magazines with their ads to get Mr. Universe's body so jerks wouldn't kick sand in your face were successfully advertising home lifting weights and exercises to SOMEBODY!

And Godzilla. And that 2012 Apocalypse movie. And…

Oh indeed — and then going back to be a teacher again, college president, and local statesman. So much for the jock-vs-nerd dichotomy! But it doesn't fit Hollywood's favourite cliche of the Warrior Dude vs the Spineless Egghead, so…

You forgot Firefly/Serenity.

David O. Selznick is spinning in his grave!

So it's a ripoff of that small part of GWTW with Scarlett and Melanie and the Union deserter, stretched out to feature length, and with a token attempt at being less politically reactionary than its inspiration.

White Hollywood "liberals," natch. (What, you think they focus-group with anybody who isn't just like them? This is how we get so many incomprehensibly appeals-to-nobody overstuffed blockbusters like, oh, this new Pan movie…)

Nah, it used to be linked with "strapping" meaning big and athletic, too. It can signify "fat" rather than "musclebound" but what it means is someone gets enough to eat because they live on a farm (which doesn't usually allow for a lot of laying about), contrasted to the weedy peaked look of city-reared kids in the